Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Music Step By Step: Fun And Entertainment
A Comprehensive Practical Approach For Beginners To Learn To Play Piano Without Reading Music. Whether A Hobbyist Or Aspiring Professional, You'll Be Equipped To Make Music Your Way. These Concepts Provide A Solid Foundation For Players Of Any Instrument. Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
All You Need Is 30 Minutes A Day And You'll Be Prepared To Make Music The Way You Want To Once And For All!
From: Allen Cook
Dear Aspiring Musician: Do you think the above headline sounds a little farfetched? Not at all. It's very achievable.
In fact, people still react with amazement when I tell them I first started teaching myself to play piano well after finishing high school. ("Isn't that a little late to get started?"). Truthfully I never thought about it. I wanted to learn and I just started. And, within roughly a six month period, I was playing gigs with local bands. I wasn't great but the band members (more importantly), audiences, thought my skills were enough. I got the job done. And knowing music by way of the piano allowed me to pick up other instruments along the way with relative ease. If I'd waited until everything was "perfect", I would probably still be playing alone in my room! Know what I mean? The piano (music in general) is not difficult to learn. Anything new is challenging until you start doing it more often. The key is to know what to systematically work on in order to overcome those challenges and improve your skills as you move forward. I'll share in depth with you how I did it.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
*Are you a beginner with a desire to express the gift
you've been given?
*Does the praise team at your church need more available and capable
piano/keyboard players?
*Are you a vocalist wanting to develop these skills as well as have the option of accompanying yourself when your regular accompanists are not available?
*Do you want to compose music, write your own songs, and live
the life of the studio artist?
*Do you already play an instrument like the saxophone, trumpet,
guitar, bass, drums, or some other instrument and want to improve your knowledge of music, or learn piano as a second instrument (IMHO: every musician should know basic piano)?
*Do you own a piano, yet the timing was never right to begin, for whatever reason, and now it is?
*Are you a former student of traditional methods?
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
I've taught many students over the years (including highly skilled classical pianists) using my approach. Many of them were referred to me after “jumping ship” from traditional methods - needing the notes in order to play. I believe sight reading is a skill that should be learned. But it's not needed to play the music you hear on the radio or from recordings, or what you hear in your head. I can help you learn to do this. This is the path of the pros, and I can't stress this enough - learning these methods does not happen like a high speed download, like in the movie “The Matrix” where a program can be uploaded into your brain and Viola!
[At this time, please allow me to tell you a little about myself. I play piano, guitar, saxophone, bass, chromatic harmonica, sing, write lyrics, and I compose my own music. I've shared the stage with some famous people and had some great experiences (I'm not a "name dropper" so fuggedaboutit!). And for several years now I've also been working as a professionally trained piano tuner and technician. But enough about me because this is really about you.]
You may ask "why another music learning program? Isn't this just teaching to play by ear?" Truthfully, playing by ear is only a small part of the equation. Realistically, the ear is developed in time, over time. There are a few other things that need to be put in place before that can happen though. Here's the deal: learning to play the piano comes as a result of learning about music. But learning about music will make the process of learning to play the piano (or any other instrument) and playing by ear a little easier. When I say easier I mean using knowledge as the foundation. A player must still learn to adapt to the physical requirements of the instrument. Any pro will tell you that the piano is the instrument of choice when it comes to learning about music. Actually, it's not the piano that's the main challenge. I'll explain later.
Truth be told, there is always room for a good keyboard player, but more importantly, a knowledgeable musician. Every method has its pros and cons, but rare are the creative and versatile musicians that are a product of strictly traditional methods
especially in light of what's required to play popular music:
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
1.Traditional methods typically lean toward the sight-reading only approach. As a piano tuner, I've seen many a piano bench full of great sight reading folios and method books. Real story: when I'm done tuning a piano in a client's home, and ask them to test-play/approve their freshly tuned instrument, the majority of the time, the owner can't play without the book. And most of those times, they'll tell me that they wish they could "just play" and weren't so dependent on the notes.
2.Traditional methods can be expensive in the long run (do the math). And even more so if the instructor comes to your home. In addition, it can take months (if not years) to get through those graduated sight reading method books. Some of them have 4 to 7 books before completion of the “course”. Most of the songs are for educational purposes and don't contain songs that most people would remember nor want to play or perform. I personally know people who are still in the first few pages of Book 1 a year later!
3.Traditional methods, in my experience as a teacher (private, in retail store music studios), do not hold the attention of most students through the entire series of the method books. The rare student gets up to Book 4 and beyond. And I've found that unfortunately, most of those students don't maintain their reading skills.
4. Traditional methods typically don't introduce improvisation, playing by ear, and creativity until much later, if at all. Thus, most students start out on the slow boat instead of the fast track.
5.Traditional methods are just not for everybody. Let's face it – not everybody is a prodigy. Nor does one have to be to make music (I sure wasn't when I started - my hands were more like paws!). Playing as a hobby is different from playing at church or playing in a studio or playing 500 concerts a year, yet the foundation is the same. You can get real good with just the basics. I'll teach you how to do it.
But let's face it - piano players rule! Here are some reasons why:
* you can play solo gigs (weddings, dinner parties, etc)
* "kick bass" from a keyboard going solo with a drum machine or in a group
* accompany singers or yourself if you sing
* piano is a great song writing and arranging tool...and the list goes on.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
The thing I want to stress here is this...I didn't play like a "pro" overnight when I first started like so many methods out there claim is possible. Beginners are...beginners! And you gotta start - at the beginning! But this is crucial: following a methodical plan, a system that's guided, with a clear and 'not too distant end in sight' is the way to do it. It took about six months for me because I was taking some classes, needed some extra "woodsheddin' time" (AKA 'practice time' - and you will too) to build up my confidence, learn some songs, etc. Now hear this - a teacher can show a student how to play songs but that's not the best use of time ("put this finger here on this note, this finger on that one, then change when get here, now do this..."). That approach gives temporary results. Knowledge will give your permanent results.
Listen closely - there are no secrets. No shortcuts. No tricks. No quick and easy. And I will not lead you on with false promises of playing overnight like a pro. If anyone tries to sell you "secrets" or "fast and easy" - beware! Professionalism is more than just playing music. It comes with knowledge and experience and experience only comes with time. It all begins by spending time at the piano and doing the work. If there's a secret, that's the secret! That's what it takes! So the real truth is it is definitely possible that one day you will play like a pro...if you want to! "How long will it take?" is a good question. The answer totally depends upon you - your situation and circumstances. Remember, it's not when you start but how you finish. You must decide to get in, stay in and never quit. That's The Challenge and the Secret!!
Point blank!
So if the traditional way is not the path for you, then what is? Read on, my friend...
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Save time and money (yours or your parents' time/money) by first learning the complete music basics at Music Step By Step. Building your foundation here at MSBS will prove to be the most beneficial way to learn about music. Guaranteed! Another way to say it is this: make learning about music the focus, and learn to play the piano as a wonderful byproduct of learning about music. With this preparation in place, you'll be in a position to progress much more rapidly. An experienced teacher who also performs can give you loads of real world gems. You'll more easily comprehend all the licks and progressions and patterns they'll enthusiastically show you. As you grow, you'll be able to understand and communicate musical ideas with other musicians. With MSBS you'll quickly and thoroughly learn the language of music in as short a time period as possible.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
There's no reason for the basics to be strung out forever. Get it over and done with so you can start making music! Soldiers are in boot camp training for only so many weeks. Then they're given assignments to go out to apply what they've learned. Get your foundation down and get out there and play in front of people! Isn't that what it's about? That's where the real learning takes place but you must be prepared. And believe me, you'll never run out of things to learn about music!
Here's a list of some of the benefits MSBS has in store for you:
1.With MSBS, you'll learn how to "read" music by thinking, using the "VPA" approach
2.With MSBS, your financial involvment is a mere fraction of the cost of typical lessons
* a great way to "test the waters" to check your desire to play music
* see what's really involved and how serious you are without spending too much money
* And there's a clear end in sight with its Fixed Term 3-Month Agreement versus the all too common when-will-it end-strung-out-over-too-much-time-and-money of open-ended arrangements. And you'll love this - when you're done, you'll have every basic pro "tool" you'll need
3.With MSBS, you'll learn to apply the concepts and techniques to music you want to play.That way, you stay motivated to reach the point where you can - “just play”.
4.With MSBS, improvising and experimenting are the norm. You'll receive numerous audio files of samples and exercises to train and coordinate your eyes, hands and ears to make you comfortable and very familiar with the keyboard landscape. If you play another instrument, apply these concepts to that one. Oh, here's a secret: it's in the hands. You need a coach more than a secret because there is more to the process. And I'll be your coach to help coordinate your efforts.
5.With MSBS, anyone from the hobbyist to the aspiring professional can use these methods and get results, because it's based on information everybody already knows: alphabets and numbers. You'll receive extra bonuses that'll constantly help you apply what you're learning. Plus, you'll be given what to do to maintain your talents ("chops") from now on.
"My teenage daughter started using the MSBS methods coming from a traditional approach. She now has the tools, techniques and confidence to play each Sunday with our worship team that she didn't have before. It's no longer the struggle it used to be". L. Bullard - Snellville , GA.
And There's More...
* how to see,think, hear and speak like a musician
* how to write chord charts and analyze symbols
* you'll receive exercises to build your technique
* you'll get numerous popular chord progressions you can use to train your ear
* you'll learn the 7 types of triads (the basis for all extensions, i.e. 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, 13ths - jazz!)
* how to manage your practice time which may also help you manage other areas of your life
* benefits of using a metronome in every practice session!
* a music reading primer (traditional and non-traditional work together for best results)
* how to transpose melodies and chord charts with examples of playing a popular song in all 12 keys
* playing by ear and everything involved in the process
* you'll see that there are not thousands of chords to learn
* and you get my experience as a multi-instrumentalist, performer and piano tuner/technician
This isn't just a 'do as I say' proposition. I did and still DO these things as a pro.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Each Lesson Will:
1-Be short and easy to digest.
download 2 to 5 pdf pages with audio examples designed for hands-on doing.
no information overload, and certainly no coffee table reading material.
2-Include an assignment to complete.
you will have guidelines with deadlines for each assignment. this is how you'll routinely track your progress, move forward, and reach your goals.
3-Build on the previous lesson.
for best results, each lesson must absolutely be mastered before moving on to the next. The basic concepts are cumulative, and when you're done, you'll know exactly how music works.
4-Be laid out for you to easily follow.
daily, weekly, monthly; no guessing as to what to do next...simply follow the schedule, and keep a log.
5-Move you toward real progress and long term success.
a solid foundation is the key. Once established, you'll be prepared to advance at whatever pace you can maintain.
Each weekly lesson is designed to be "to the point" and immediately actionable. What's included in Lesson 1 you ask?
* You'll learn...the keyboard landscape: note names and black note groups
* You'll learn...chromatic and major scale and fingering
* You'll learn...the three most important chord qualities you must know
* You'll learn...techniques to start improvising right away
* You'll to play from one end of the keyboard to the other
The first lesson will contain lots of info and lays the groundwork for the lessons that follow.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Okay. Let's do a little math. Private lessons, whether through an individual teaching out of their home or taking lessons through the local music store cost about $100 (plus or minus) per month as of this writing (teachers coming to your home costs a little more). If you're in for a year, that's $1,200. How about just 6 months? $600. Even after three months the cost is still somewhere around $300. Quitting after spending this kind of money can be heartbreaking to the person paying the bills. And let's not talk about college music students who quit after one or more years!
MSBS is designed as a three month program, put together purposely and methodically to give you a rock solid foundation so that you can confidently build upon anything and everything else you'll ever learn about playing and creating music. Guaranteed!
And you should and must keep learning.
OK, I'm nearly done but I'm sure you understand by now that what you'll learn as a member of MSBS is worth so much more than...
$20 'Per Month' For Just Three Months!
That's it!
The price for a subscription to the 3-monthMusic Step By Step program is just $20 per month. While the program is only 3 months in length, you can cancel anytime you choose. As I must abide by the rules of ClickBank, their rules state that I must offer you a money back guarantee. If you've always wanted to learn to play music with such a comprehensive method as MSBS, I know you'll be more than satisfied. Here's the deal - you and I both know that long term results are entirely up to you. I can't force you to practice any more than you can make a kid eat all their vegetables! So it must be crystal clear by now that all the benefits are totally yours, especially being that this is a Fixed Term Membership. We both know that $20 is a mere drop in the bucket. You have absolutely everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Welcome aboard!
Since there will be questions and other concerns to address,
I can only accept 2,000 memberships at this time.
Join today while memberships are still available!
Yes, Allen, I want my 2-5 page weekly lesson to help me learn to make music and be creative on my terms.
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)
You will receive an email every week with a link for your weekly .pdf and audio download lesson.
Every effort has been made to present this material as clearly as possible. Results will vary and are dependent upon your circumstances, commitment, motivation and dedication. Your ability to diligently apply yourself and use the material is the only way to guarantee your personal success and achievement.
P.S. Wanna know something else about the information you'll be learning here at MSBS? A few university educated music professionals in my circle have informed me that anMSBS student is getting info that's very much like a basic college entry level education. College ain't cheap either! Many music students in general (even some "pros") haven't yet mastered these basic foundational concepts. Making music, like most things, always comes back down to the basics. This is what many musicians
rely upon day by day to make money! Astonishing, isn't it? Join MSBS today.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
All You Need Is 30 Minutes A Day And You'll Be Prepared To Make Music The Way You Want To Once And For All!
From: Allen Cook
Dear Aspiring Musician: Do you think the above headline sounds a little farfetched? Not at all. It's very achievable.
In fact, people still react with amazement when I tell them I first started teaching myself to play piano well after finishing high school. ("Isn't that a little late to get started?"). Truthfully I never thought about it. I wanted to learn and I just started. And, within roughly a six month period, I was playing gigs with local bands. I wasn't great but the band members (more importantly), audiences, thought my skills were enough. I got the job done. And knowing music by way of the piano allowed me to pick up other instruments along the way with relative ease. If I'd waited until everything was "perfect", I would probably still be playing alone in my room! Know what I mean? The piano (music in general) is not difficult to learn. Anything new is challenging until you start doing it more often. The key is to know what to systematically work on in order to overcome those challenges and improve your skills as you move forward. I'll share in depth with you how I did it.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
*Are you a beginner with a desire to express the gift
you've been given?
*Does the praise team at your church need more available and capable
piano/keyboard players?
*Are you a vocalist wanting to develop these skills as well as have the option of accompanying yourself when your regular accompanists are not available?
*Do you want to compose music, write your own songs, and live
the life of the studio artist?
*Do you already play an instrument like the saxophone, trumpet,
guitar, bass, drums, or some other instrument and want to improve your knowledge of music, or learn piano as a second instrument (IMHO: every musician should know basic piano)?
*Do you own a piano, yet the timing was never right to begin, for whatever reason, and now it is?
*Are you a former student of traditional methods?
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
I've taught many students over the years (including highly skilled classical pianists) using my approach. Many of them were referred to me after “jumping ship” from traditional methods - needing the notes in order to play. I believe sight reading is a skill that should be learned. But it's not needed to play the music you hear on the radio or from recordings, or what you hear in your head. I can help you learn to do this. This is the path of the pros, and I can't stress this enough - learning these methods does not happen like a high speed download, like in the movie “The Matrix” where a program can be uploaded into your brain and Viola!
[At this time, please allow me to tell you a little about myself. I play piano, guitar, saxophone, bass, chromatic harmonica, sing, write lyrics, and I compose my own music. I've shared the stage with some famous people and had some great experiences (I'm not a "name dropper" so fuggedaboutit!). And for several years now I've also been working as a professionally trained piano tuner and technician. But enough about me because this is really about you.]
You may ask "why another music learning program? Isn't this just teaching to play by ear?" Truthfully, playing by ear is only a small part of the equation. Realistically, the ear is developed in time, over time. There are a few other things that need to be put in place before that can happen though. Here's the deal: learning to play the piano comes as a result of learning about music. But learning about music will make the process of learning to play the piano (or any other instrument) and playing by ear a little easier. When I say easier I mean using knowledge as the foundation. A player must still learn to adapt to the physical requirements of the instrument. Any pro will tell you that the piano is the instrument of choice when it comes to learning about music. Actually, it's not the piano that's the main challenge. I'll explain later.
Truth be told, there is always room for a good keyboard player, but more importantly, a knowledgeable musician. Every method has its pros and cons, but rare are the creative and versatile musicians that are a product of strictly traditional methods
especially in light of what's required to play popular music:
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
1.Traditional methods typically lean toward the sight-reading only approach. As a piano tuner, I've seen many a piano bench full of great sight reading folios and method books. Real story: when I'm done tuning a piano in a client's home, and ask them to test-play/approve their freshly tuned instrument, the majority of the time, the owner can't play without the book. And most of those times, they'll tell me that they wish they could "just play" and weren't so dependent on the notes.
2.Traditional methods can be expensive in the long run (do the math). And even more so if the instructor comes to your home. In addition, it can take months (if not years) to get through those graduated sight reading method books. Some of them have 4 to 7 books before completion of the “course”. Most of the songs are for educational purposes and don't contain songs that most people would remember nor want to play or perform. I personally know people who are still in the first few pages of Book 1 a year later!
3.Traditional methods, in my experience as a teacher (private, in retail store music studios), do not hold the attention of most students through the entire series of the method books. The rare student gets up to Book 4 and beyond. And I've found that unfortunately, most of those students don't maintain their reading skills.
4. Traditional methods typically don't introduce improvisation, playing by ear, and creativity until much later, if at all. Thus, most students start out on the slow boat instead of the fast track.
5.Traditional methods are just not for everybody. Let's face it – not everybody is a prodigy. Nor does one have to be to make music (I sure wasn't when I started - my hands were more like paws!). Playing as a hobby is different from playing at church or playing in a studio or playing 500 concerts a year, yet the foundation is the same. You can get real good with just the basics. I'll teach you how to do it.
But let's face it - piano players rule! Here are some reasons why:
* you can play solo gigs (weddings, dinner parties, etc)
* "kick bass" from a keyboard going solo with a drum machine or in a group
* accompany singers or yourself if you sing
* piano is a great song writing and arranging tool...and the list goes on.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
The thing I want to stress here is this...I didn't play like a "pro" overnight when I first started like so many methods out there claim is possible. Beginners are...beginners! And you gotta start - at the beginning! But this is crucial: following a methodical plan, a system that's guided, with a clear and 'not too distant end in sight' is the way to do it. It took about six months for me because I was taking some classes, needed some extra "woodsheddin' time" (AKA 'practice time' - and you will too) to build up my confidence, learn some songs, etc. Now hear this - a teacher can show a student how to play songs but that's not the best use of time ("put this finger here on this note, this finger on that one, then change when get here, now do this..."). That approach gives temporary results. Knowledge will give your permanent results.
Listen closely - there are no secrets. No shortcuts. No tricks. No quick and easy. And I will not lead you on with false promises of playing overnight like a pro. If anyone tries to sell you "secrets" or "fast and easy" - beware! Professionalism is more than just playing music. It comes with knowledge and experience and experience only comes with time. It all begins by spending time at the piano and doing the work. If there's a secret, that's the secret! That's what it takes! So the real truth is it is definitely possible that one day you will play like a pro...if you want to! "How long will it take?" is a good question. The answer totally depends upon you - your situation and circumstances. Remember, it's not when you start but how you finish. You must decide to get in, stay in and never quit. That's The Challenge and the Secret!!
Point blank!
So if the traditional way is not the path for you, then what is? Read on, my friend...
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Save time and money (yours or your parents' time/money) by first learning the complete music basics at Music Step By Step. Building your foundation here at MSBS will prove to be the most beneficial way to learn about music. Guaranteed! Another way to say it is this: make learning about music the focus, and learn to play the piano as a wonderful byproduct of learning about music. With this preparation in place, you'll be in a position to progress much more rapidly. An experienced teacher who also performs can give you loads of real world gems. You'll more easily comprehend all the licks and progressions and patterns they'll enthusiastically show you. As you grow, you'll be able to understand and communicate musical ideas with other musicians. With MSBS you'll quickly and thoroughly learn the language of music in as short a time period as possible.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
There's no reason for the basics to be strung out forever. Get it over and done with so you can start making music! Soldiers are in boot camp training for only so many weeks. Then they're given assignments to go out to apply what they've learned. Get your foundation down and get out there and play in front of people! Isn't that what it's about? That's where the real learning takes place but you must be prepared. And believe me, you'll never run out of things to learn about music!
Here's a list of some of the benefits MSBS has in store for you:
1.With MSBS, you'll learn how to "read" music by thinking, using the "VPA" approach
2.With MSBS, your financial involvment is a mere fraction of the cost of typical lessons
* a great way to "test the waters" to check your desire to play music
* see what's really involved and how serious you are without spending too much money
* And there's a clear end in sight with its Fixed Term 3-Month Agreement versus the all too common when-will-it end-strung-out-over-too-much-time-and-money of open-ended arrangements. And you'll love this - when you're done, you'll have every basic pro "tool" you'll need
3.With MSBS, you'll learn to apply the concepts and techniques to music you want to play.That way, you stay motivated to reach the point where you can - “just play”.
4.With MSBS, improvising and experimenting are the norm. You'll receive numerous audio files of samples and exercises to train and coordinate your eyes, hands and ears to make you comfortable and very familiar with the keyboard landscape. If you play another instrument, apply these concepts to that one. Oh, here's a secret: it's in the hands. You need a coach more than a secret because there is more to the process. And I'll be your coach to help coordinate your efforts.
5.With MSBS, anyone from the hobbyist to the aspiring professional can use these methods and get results, because it's based on information everybody already knows: alphabets and numbers. You'll receive extra bonuses that'll constantly help you apply what you're learning. Plus, you'll be given what to do to maintain your talents ("chops") from now on.
"My teenage daughter started using the MSBS methods coming from a traditional approach. She now has the tools, techniques and confidence to play each Sunday with our worship team that she didn't have before. It's no longer the struggle it used to be". L. Bullard - Snellville , GA.
And There's More...
* how to see,think, hear and speak like a musician
* how to write chord charts and analyze symbols
* you'll receive exercises to build your technique
* you'll get numerous popular chord progressions you can use to train your ear
* you'll learn the 7 types of triads (the basis for all extensions, i.e. 7ths, 9ths, 11ths, 13ths - jazz!)
* how to manage your practice time which may also help you manage other areas of your life
* benefits of using a metronome in every practice session!
* a music reading primer (traditional and non-traditional work together for best results)
* how to transpose melodies and chord charts with examples of playing a popular song in all 12 keys
* playing by ear and everything involved in the process
* you'll see that there are not thousands of chords to learn
* and you get my experience as a multi-instrumentalist, performer and piano tuner/technician
This isn't just a 'do as I say' proposition. I did and still DO these things as a pro.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Each Lesson Will:
1-Be short and easy to digest.
download 2 to 5 pdf pages with audio examples designed for hands-on doing.
no information overload, and certainly no coffee table reading material.
2-Include an assignment to complete.
you will have guidelines with deadlines for each assignment. this is how you'll routinely track your progress, move forward, and reach your goals.
3-Build on the previous lesson.
for best results, each lesson must absolutely be mastered before moving on to the next. The basic concepts are cumulative, and when you're done, you'll know exactly how music works.
4-Be laid out for you to easily follow.
daily, weekly, monthly; no guessing as to what to do next...simply follow the schedule, and keep a log.
5-Move you toward real progress and long term success.
a solid foundation is the key. Once established, you'll be prepared to advance at whatever pace you can maintain.
Each weekly lesson is designed to be "to the point" and immediately actionable. What's included in Lesson 1 you ask?
* You'll learn...the keyboard landscape: note names and black note groups
* You'll learn...chromatic and major scale and fingering
* You'll learn...the three most important chord qualities you must know
* You'll learn...techniques to start improvising right away
* You'll to play from one end of the keyboard to the other
The first lesson will contain lots of info and lays the groundwork for the lessons that follow.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Okay. Let's do a little math. Private lessons, whether through an individual teaching out of their home or taking lessons through the local music store cost about $100 (plus or minus) per month as of this writing (teachers coming to your home costs a little more). If you're in for a year, that's $1,200. How about just 6 months? $600. Even after three months the cost is still somewhere around $300. Quitting after spending this kind of money can be heartbreaking to the person paying the bills. And let's not talk about college music students who quit after one or more years!
MSBS is designed as a three month program, put together purposely and methodically to give you a rock solid foundation so that you can confidently build upon anything and everything else you'll ever learn about playing and creating music. Guaranteed!
And you should and must keep learning.
OK, I'm nearly done but I'm sure you understand by now that what you'll learn as a member of MSBS is worth so much more than...
$20 'Per Month' For Just Three Months!
That's it!
The price for a subscription to the 3-monthMusic Step By Step program is just $20 per month. While the program is only 3 months in length, you can cancel anytime you choose. As I must abide by the rules of ClickBank, their rules state that I must offer you a money back guarantee. If you've always wanted to learn to play music with such a comprehensive method as MSBS, I know you'll be more than satisfied. Here's the deal - you and I both know that long term results are entirely up to you. I can't force you to practice any more than you can make a kid eat all their vegetables! So it must be crystal clear by now that all the benefits are totally yours, especially being that this is a Fixed Term Membership. We both know that $20 is a mere drop in the bucket. You have absolutely everything to gain, and nothing to lose. Welcome aboard!
Since there will be questions and other concerns to address,
I can only accept 2,000 memberships at this time.
Join today while memberships are still available!
Yes, Allen, I want my 2-5 page weekly lesson to help me learn to make music and be creative on my terms.
(Even if it's 2:00 AM on a Saturday)
You will receive an email every week with a link for your weekly .pdf and audio download lesson.
Every effort has been made to present this material as clearly as possible. Results will vary and are dependent upon your circumstances, commitment, motivation and dedication. Your ability to diligently apply yourself and use the material is the only way to guarantee your personal success and achievement.
P.S. Wanna know something else about the information you'll be learning here at MSBS? A few university educated music professionals in my circle have informed me that anMSBS student is getting info that's very much like a basic college entry level education. College ain't cheap either! Many music students in general (even some "pros") haven't yet mastered these basic foundational concepts. Making music, like most things, always comes back down to the basics. This is what many musicians
rely upon day by day to make money! Astonishing, isn't it? Join MSBS today.
Follow Link and Read Full Story On Their Official Website: Music Step By Step, Fun And Entertainment!
Sunday, 3 May 2009
How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
"Discover The Three Things You Need To Know To Make Money Playing The Drums WITHOUT Using A Drumset" If You Are A Working Drummer, You Can Make More Money Not With A Pair Of Drumsticks… But With A Piece Of Paper And Pencil. Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
From the desk of Elizabeth Ficalora
Tuesday, 10:28 a.m.
Dear Fellow Drummer,
My name is Liz Ficalora,--Berklee graduate, teacher and working professional drummer in Nashville, TN. And I have a question...
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever gotten a call at the last minute for a fill in gig that you needed to write drum charts for…
…and the gig starts in an hour?
Or you landed a job with the hottest road band in town—leaving for Chicago in 2 weeks!—and the guitar player hands you a stack of CD’s with 97 songs that you have to know perfectly…
…so you can sound just like the last drummer (who, by the way, they just fired because he wasn’t “good enough.”)
If you’ve faced a situation like this, then...
you'll be very excited to hear about the incredible opportunity I'm about to share with you!
Announcing the release of a brand new, never before seen drum charting system…
How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart"
"People gladly pay me $65.00 per hour to personally help them write a drum chart...
... and I'm the best person to help YOU!"
I am the originator of this method and am the only one teaching it.
It was developed out of a need to write a song chart fast and that it would be easy to read every time I had to use it.
Other drummers may use a similar technique but what makes this method stand out from the rest is…
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
… the fact that I wrote it down and created a simple step-by-step system.
This method is needed for the working musician and is not available anywhere else in a easy to use form.
And I'm proud of my accomplishments -- but I'm not telling you all of this to brag, but to show you that my system is...
Industry Tested in "Music City, USA"--Nashville, TN And is Being Used by Session and Touring Drummers Every Day... and they tell me this method is a must have for all working drummers! What Professionals Are Saying About “How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart” “Why didn’t I think of this? What a simple and easy method”
“I never thought of writing charts that way”
(and in case you’re wondering, yes, they did purchase my method right away.)
Endorsed by Louie Bellson Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
How to Write a Fast & Easy Drum Chart is useful and uncomplicated yet musically correct. I recommend it for all drummers, whether they think they are composers or not. Because, in reality, we are!
-Louie Bellson--
Your method of charting is very easy to use and easier to follow than number charts. Thanks!
Keepin' the Rhythm,
Professional Drummer and Session Player
Nashville, Tenn.
Liz's quick and easy method of writing drum charts has helped my drumming immensely. It's a sensible and efficient way to keep track of song arrangements. The process is a natural extension of her simple to follow teaching style,
Great job, Liz
Suzie Wright,
Professional Drummer
Mount Juliet, Tenn.
"Liz Ficalora's book has been a great asset to my teaching repertoire. I personally use it with my student's and discuss during drum clinics, how this book works and benefits the drummer. This book has helped me greatly in preparing for work and just getting better at writing and reading music as well."
"How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart" is a must have in your collection, CHECK IT OUT!!!
Chris Infusino
Session Player and Teacher
This is an amazing bookfor beginners or life long drummers. It is so easy to comprehend, and it makes drumming fun and easy to learn.
-Allison Arata-
Student, Brentwood, Tenn.
Tried the system yesterday and it is great! Terrific to see a visual of the whole song on one half a page. Also showed my teacher and he loved it - said it was very "clean". Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
I look forward to working with your approach more and may have some questions.
Thank you for taking the time to document it!!
Professional drummer
The Story Behind the Story...
Back in 1994, I was working 40-hour week at a disgusting day job, living in a small apartment.
I was running a local band that was not working much and not getting along with the guitarist on top of that.
And then it occurred to me...
Why not move to Nashville and be a little closer to the music industry and get into a real road band?
One month later I got an audition for a country road band and they hired me two hours after the audition.
While I was still on a high they handed me 97 songs on 6 cassette tapes and said learn all the songs in order, copy exactly like the record and we are leaving for Chicago in two weeks so be ready!
Right then and there I knew...
So over the two weeks I developed a fast, clear and easy charting method that I could read at every gig and play without making a mistake.
TODAY I am making that method available to you.
Believe me; I’ve been in the EXACT same spot where you may be in right now…
…As you saw, I was the drummer that got the last minute gig and the one who landed the road show that was leaving in two weeks.
Sure, I was happy to have a job, but as you can imagine!
I didn't have time to write out all the measures of drum notation.
I knew I didn’t have time to write out or find the Nashville Number System charts (and if you've ever worked with those charts, you know that they are not even written with a drummer in mind anyway.)
I had to think and act quickly to develop a method so I could write a chart real fast and be able to read clearly and accurately at every club gig.
"With a bit of help, absolutely anyone can write a drum chart...
... without reading bar after bar of music and play the song EXACTLY like the record"
This charting system is a simple 12 step guide to writing a drum chart for cover and original material.
It was designed to help develop the techniques needed to write a simple and clear drum chart so it can be played accurately every time.
It is THE method to use if you are in a situation where you have to play in an hour and a drum chart it not available.
After reading this method you will be able to write a simple drum chart, for cover and original material. Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Drummers and composers alike will benefit from my “real world” experience and learn the difference between simple book knowledge and actual road tested wisdom.
"Why my method is the best and easyest way to start writing a drum chart...
... and why I have decided to share them with YOU!"
This system covers:
> Organizing Your Materials (page 5)
> Simple Drum Notation: Writing Out Patterns
> Ear Training: Listening And Identifying The Patterns
> How To Create The Chart
> How To Determine The Feel Of The Song
> How To Read And Play The Chart
> The Bass Drum Patterns That Are Used The Most (page 12)
> The Snare Drum Patterns That Are Used The Most (page 13)
> An Easy To Read Practice Sheet
> Blank Chart For Copying (page 19)
> Chart Examples
This method does not involve reading bar after bar of music, but allows you to listen to the music and capture the feel while still following the form, playing the fills and hitting the accents of the song perfectly!
"Discover how to write a simple, easy drum chart faster then you ever thought, using very little drum notation.
... and how you can start learing the method in the next three minutes!"
Once you download your copy of my exclusive drum charting system which I've called "How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart " you'll discover EXACTLY what you need to do to get started making drum charts right away!
> Charting Examples
> Blank chart for coping, use for all your charts.
> An easy to read practice sheet for all the basic music feels,
Rock, Country, shuffle, 6/8, Walt
I will show you in detail EXACTLY how to write charts and the precise step-by-step method you need to follow to make charting work for YOU!
With this book you will learn simple and easy to understand techniques on how to create a drum chart fast and accuratly by capitalizing on:
How to Chart Out the Song Form
Determine the time signature and tempo of the song
Basic Time Patterns
How to write out song introductions and pick-ups
Bass Drum Patterns that as used the Most
How to write out fills
How to write out accents
Practice sheet for all feels
Blank Drum Chart for Copying
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Drum Chart Examples
If you've got $47.00 and the time it takes to read a few pages of no-filler information, you'll have the tools you need to tackle any drumming job with confidence.
Download a PDF version for only $47.00, and
get start charting in the next 5 minutes!
But wait there is more!!
For less than the cost of one cymbal stand, you will get the knowledge and tools to write perfect drum charts that will get you the big money gigs.
I normally teach this course for $65.00 an hour. Now I am making it available to you for a fraction of that price and include 2 bonuses and the monthly Drummers Boot Camp showing you how to promote yourself and get more work.
"You literally have NOTHING to lose when you try my system"
My IRON CLAD, NO B.S. Guarantee: Take 2 months to examine and use this system. That's right. You have 60 days to put these valuable lessons to work in your own career. Once you've used these strategies in your own drumming, I'm confident you'll NEVER want to send it back! Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Get started learning your new skills in a 5 minutes.bThanks for your interest and keep drumming!! Liz Ficalora
Session Drummer, Producer, Engineer, Composer
P.S. I want to be crystal clear about this... remember that this is not some cheesy thrown-together document cut-and-pasted from “teachers” who don't even know what they're talking about — this course is assembled by a working drummer and producer and every part of it has been studio and road tested and PROVEN to work!
P.P.S. This method will allow you to work ANY gig (and any band-mate) and make it go smooth as glass.
P.P.P.S. Remember that you have one full year to put these techniques into practice, so you have nothing to lose (except more stress!)
P.P.P.P.S. BONUS ITEM: If you’re still not convinced, so you can see what type of valuable, one-of-a-kind information you will get,
I have made Step #1 available to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!
View Step 1
Contact us:
Here are some of the materials the method includes:
I have years of road band experience, where I had to chart 100's songs to keep working and making great money.
Over 1000 drummers are coming to my websites every single month, to take advantage of my proven method. In fact, I have over 100's of people recommending this method to people just like you.
I have 100's of students
I have session and working drummers, thanking me for teaching them this method because they chart so fast their sessions go real fast and smooth so they can make more money.
Download your copy instantly today and get... Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
“How to write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart”
An amazing drum charting system that is simple and easy to use.
Plus the 2 Money Making Bonuses
and a 1 year subscription to
The Drummers Boot Camp Program
and start charting in the next 5 minutes.
Do You Want to Take Your Career to The Next Level?
This Bonus includes 10 ways that will help you get that audition and help you continue to make money doing what you love to do.
• Who to Call
• Where to Go
• What to Do
Learn the simple secrets to get started and advance your career.
I have lived it and now I am passing my experience on to you.
• How to Promote Yourself to Get More Jobs
• How to Read the Nashville Number System
• How to Use New Media to Keep Working
• How to Promote Yourself Without Spending Money
Don't Delay Your Career Any Longer!
When you accept a gig, do you ask all the right questions to assure that we are going to get paid?
Do you go blindly to the gig and later when you are packing up, realized that because you forgot to ask important detailed questions you were left stranded on the side of the road?
I have put together a check list to help all drummers ask all and the right questions so you will get paid fairly and have fun.
• Get the Money You Deserve
• Feel Confident
• Increase Your Chances of Getting a Great Gig
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
I want you to succeed and come home with money in your pocket.
Learn Insider Secrets
That Will Take Your
Drumming Career To
The Next Level and
Make Money!
Just for purchasing the Charting System, you will receive a
12 month course that will show you how
you can get more work playing the drums.
#2 "How To Promote Yourself and Make Money "
A Drummers Boot Camp
Written exclusively for drummers.
This Program will teach you how to use the internet to keep you working and train you in getting those paying jobs. Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Once a Month,
You Will Receive Simple Instruction in:
You will receive the tools to get started and give you
that edge over the other dummers.
Today, you can get your hands on
2 Unique Bonus Reports
For FREE!!!
With Your Purchase
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
Interview with Chris Infusino about
Getting a Job and Charting
Take a Listen!
How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart
pdf $47.00
Bonus #1
How To Get That Audition with a National Act or Road Band and Start Touring
Bonus #2
Check List: The Top 27 Questions to Ask When You Get That Call
Plus the 12 Month email course:
How to Promote Yourself and Make Money
The Drummers Boot Camp
Instant pdf Download!
All Payments are Processed by a 100% Secured Payment Processor
After payment you will be directed to a download page where you can save all pdf's to your hard drive.
Instant Download - Even if it's
2:00 a.m. in the morning!
In About 2 minutes Time You Can Have
How To Write A Fast and Easy Drum Chart
and Start Charting Today!
Adobe Acrobat is needed to read charting book and bonuses
Click here for latest version of Adobe Reader
A 12 Step Method That Will Get You The Paying Gigs
Home Privacy Policy Contact About Become an Affiliate
Discover Insider Secrets
To Take Your
Drumming Career To
The Next Level and
Make Money!
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
From the desk of Elizabeth Ficalora
Tuesday, 10:28 a.m.
Dear Fellow Drummer,
My name is Liz Ficalora,--Berklee graduate, teacher and working professional drummer in Nashville, TN. And I have a question...
Has this ever happened to you? Have you ever gotten a call at the last minute for a fill in gig that you needed to write drum charts for…
…and the gig starts in an hour?
Or you landed a job with the hottest road band in town—leaving for Chicago in 2 weeks!—and the guitar player hands you a stack of CD’s with 97 songs that you have to know perfectly…
…so you can sound just like the last drummer (who, by the way, they just fired because he wasn’t “good enough.”)
If you’ve faced a situation like this, then...
you'll be very excited to hear about the incredible opportunity I'm about to share with you!
Announcing the release of a brand new, never before seen drum charting system…
How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart"
"People gladly pay me $65.00 per hour to personally help them write a drum chart...
... and I'm the best person to help YOU!"
I am the originator of this method and am the only one teaching it.
It was developed out of a need to write a song chart fast and that it would be easy to read every time I had to use it.
Other drummers may use a similar technique but what makes this method stand out from the rest is…
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
… the fact that I wrote it down and created a simple step-by-step system.
This method is needed for the working musician and is not available anywhere else in a easy to use form.
And I'm proud of my accomplishments -- but I'm not telling you all of this to brag, but to show you that my system is...
Industry Tested in "Music City, USA"--Nashville, TN And is Being Used by Session and Touring Drummers Every Day... and they tell me this method is a must have for all working drummers! What Professionals Are Saying About “How to Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart” “Why didn’t I think of this? What a simple and easy method”
“I never thought of writing charts that way”
(and in case you’re wondering, yes, they did purchase my method right away.)
Endorsed by Louie Bellson Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
How to Write a Fast & Easy Drum Chart is useful and uncomplicated yet musically correct. I recommend it for all drummers, whether they think they are composers or not. Because, in reality, we are!
-Louie Bellson--
Your method of charting is very easy to use and easier to follow than number charts. Thanks!
Keepin' the Rhythm,
Professional Drummer and Session Player
Nashville, Tenn.
Liz's quick and easy method of writing drum charts has helped my drumming immensely. It's a sensible and efficient way to keep track of song arrangements. The process is a natural extension of her simple to follow teaching style,
Great job, Liz
Suzie Wright,
Professional Drummer
Mount Juliet, Tenn.
"Liz Ficalora's book has been a great asset to my teaching repertoire. I personally use it with my student's and discuss during drum clinics, how this book works and benefits the drummer. This book has helped me greatly in preparing for work and just getting better at writing and reading music as well."
"How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart" is a must have in your collection, CHECK IT OUT!!!
Chris Infusino
Session Player and Teacher
This is an amazing bookfor beginners or life long drummers. It is so easy to comprehend, and it makes drumming fun and easy to learn.
-Allison Arata-
Student, Brentwood, Tenn.
Tried the system yesterday and it is great! Terrific to see a visual of the whole song on one half a page. Also showed my teacher and he loved it - said it was very "clean". Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
I look forward to working with your approach more and may have some questions.
Thank you for taking the time to document it!!
Professional drummer
The Story Behind the Story...
Back in 1994, I was working 40-hour week at a disgusting day job, living in a small apartment.
I was running a local band that was not working much and not getting along with the guitarist on top of that.
And then it occurred to me...
Why not move to Nashville and be a little closer to the music industry and get into a real road band?
One month later I got an audition for a country road band and they hired me two hours after the audition.
While I was still on a high they handed me 97 songs on 6 cassette tapes and said learn all the songs in order, copy exactly like the record and we are leaving for Chicago in two weeks so be ready!
Right then and there I knew...
So over the two weeks I developed a fast, clear and easy charting method that I could read at every gig and play without making a mistake.
TODAY I am making that method available to you.
Believe me; I’ve been in the EXACT same spot where you may be in right now…
…As you saw, I was the drummer that got the last minute gig and the one who landed the road show that was leaving in two weeks.
Sure, I was happy to have a job, but as you can imagine!
I didn't have time to write out all the measures of drum notation.
I knew I didn’t have time to write out or find the Nashville Number System charts (and if you've ever worked with those charts, you know that they are not even written with a drummer in mind anyway.)
I had to think and act quickly to develop a method so I could write a chart real fast and be able to read clearly and accurately at every club gig.
"With a bit of help, absolutely anyone can write a drum chart...
... without reading bar after bar of music and play the song EXACTLY like the record"
This charting system is a simple 12 step guide to writing a drum chart for cover and original material.
It was designed to help develop the techniques needed to write a simple and clear drum chart so it can be played accurately every time.
It is THE method to use if you are in a situation where you have to play in an hour and a drum chart it not available.
After reading this method you will be able to write a simple drum chart, for cover and original material. Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Drummers and composers alike will benefit from my “real world” experience and learn the difference between simple book knowledge and actual road tested wisdom.
"Why my method is the best and easyest way to start writing a drum chart...
... and why I have decided to share them with YOU!"
This system covers:
> Organizing Your Materials (page 5)
> Simple Drum Notation: Writing Out Patterns
> Ear Training: Listening And Identifying The Patterns
> How To Create The Chart
> How To Determine The Feel Of The Song
> How To Read And Play The Chart
> The Bass Drum Patterns That Are Used The Most (page 12)
> The Snare Drum Patterns That Are Used The Most (page 13)
> An Easy To Read Practice Sheet
> Blank Chart For Copying (page 19)
> Chart Examples
This method does not involve reading bar after bar of music, but allows you to listen to the music and capture the feel while still following the form, playing the fills and hitting the accents of the song perfectly!
"Discover how to write a simple, easy drum chart faster then you ever thought, using very little drum notation.
... and how you can start learing the method in the next three minutes!"
Once you download your copy of my exclusive drum charting system which I've called "How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart " you'll discover EXACTLY what you need to do to get started making drum charts right away!
> Charting Examples
> Blank chart for coping, use for all your charts.
> An easy to read practice sheet for all the basic music feels,
Rock, Country, shuffle, 6/8, Walt
I will show you in detail EXACTLY how to write charts and the precise step-by-step method you need to follow to make charting work for YOU!
With this book you will learn simple and easy to understand techniques on how to create a drum chart fast and accuratly by capitalizing on:
How to Chart Out the Song Form
Determine the time signature and tempo of the song
Basic Time Patterns
How to write out song introductions and pick-ups
Bass Drum Patterns that as used the Most
How to write out fills
How to write out accents
Practice sheet for all feels
Blank Drum Chart for Copying
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Drum Chart Examples
If you've got $47.00 and the time it takes to read a few pages of no-filler information, you'll have the tools you need to tackle any drumming job with confidence.
Download a PDF version for only $47.00, and
get start charting in the next 5 minutes!
But wait there is more!!
For less than the cost of one cymbal stand, you will get the knowledge and tools to write perfect drum charts that will get you the big money gigs.
I normally teach this course for $65.00 an hour. Now I am making it available to you for a fraction of that price and include 2 bonuses and the monthly Drummers Boot Camp showing you how to promote yourself and get more work.
"You literally have NOTHING to lose when you try my system"
My IRON CLAD, NO B.S. Guarantee: Take 2 months to examine and use this system. That's right. You have 60 days to put these valuable lessons to work in your own career. Once you've used these strategies in your own drumming, I'm confident you'll NEVER want to send it back! Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Get started learning your new skills in a 5 minutes.bThanks for your interest and keep drumming!! Liz Ficalora
Session Drummer, Producer, Engineer, Composer
P.S. I want to be crystal clear about this... remember that this is not some cheesy thrown-together document cut-and-pasted from “teachers” who don't even know what they're talking about — this course is assembled by a working drummer and producer and every part of it has been studio and road tested and PROVEN to work!
P.P.S. This method will allow you to work ANY gig (and any band-mate) and make it go smooth as glass.
P.P.P.S. Remember that you have one full year to put these techniques into practice, so you have nothing to lose (except more stress!)
P.P.P.P.S. BONUS ITEM: If you’re still not convinced, so you can see what type of valuable, one-of-a-kind information you will get,
I have made Step #1 available to you ABSOLUTELY FREE!
View Step 1
Contact us:
Here are some of the materials the method includes:
I have years of road band experience, where I had to chart 100's songs to keep working and making great money.
Over 1000 drummers are coming to my websites every single month, to take advantage of my proven method. In fact, I have over 100's of people recommending this method to people just like you.
I have 100's of students
I have session and working drummers, thanking me for teaching them this method because they chart so fast their sessions go real fast and smooth so they can make more money.
Download your copy instantly today and get... Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
“How to write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart”
An amazing drum charting system that is simple and easy to use.
Plus the 2 Money Making Bonuses
and a 1 year subscription to
The Drummers Boot Camp Program
and start charting in the next 5 minutes.
Do You Want to Take Your Career to The Next Level?
This Bonus includes 10 ways that will help you get that audition and help you continue to make money doing what you love to do.
• Who to Call
• Where to Go
• What to Do
Learn the simple secrets to get started and advance your career.
I have lived it and now I am passing my experience on to you.
• How to Promote Yourself to Get More Jobs
• How to Read the Nashville Number System
• How to Use New Media to Keep Working
• How to Promote Yourself Without Spending Money
Don't Delay Your Career Any Longer!
When you accept a gig, do you ask all the right questions to assure that we are going to get paid?
Do you go blindly to the gig and later when you are packing up, realized that because you forgot to ask important detailed questions you were left stranded on the side of the road?
I have put together a check list to help all drummers ask all and the right questions so you will get paid fairly and have fun.
• Get the Money You Deserve
• Feel Confident
• Increase Your Chances of Getting a Great Gig
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
I want you to succeed and come home with money in your pocket.
Learn Insider Secrets
That Will Take Your
Drumming Career To
The Next Level and
Make Money!
Just for purchasing the Charting System, you will receive a
12 month course that will show you how
you can get more work playing the drums.
#2 "How To Promote Yourself and Make Money "
A Drummers Boot Camp
Written exclusively for drummers.
This Program will teach you how to use the internet to keep you working and train you in getting those paying jobs. Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Once a Month,
You Will Receive Simple Instruction in:
You will receive the tools to get started and give you
that edge over the other dummers.
Today, you can get your hands on
2 Unique Bonus Reports
For FREE!!!
With Your Purchase
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
You Need This...
Interview with Chris Infusino about
Getting a Job and Charting
Take a Listen!
How To Write a Fast and Easy Drum Chart
pdf $47.00
Bonus #1
How To Get That Audition with a National Act or Road Band and Start Touring
Bonus #2
Check List: The Top 27 Questions to Ask When You Get That Call
Plus the 12 Month email course:
How to Promote Yourself and Make Money
The Drummers Boot Camp
Instant pdf Download!
All Payments are Processed by a 100% Secured Payment Processor
After payment you will be directed to a download page where you can save all pdf's to your hard drive.
Instant Download - Even if it's
2:00 a.m. in the morning!
In About 2 minutes Time You Can Have
How To Write A Fast and Easy Drum Chart
and Start Charting Today!
Adobe Acrobat is needed to read charting book and bonuses
Click here for latest version of Adobe Reader
A 12 Step Method That Will Get You The Paying Gigs
Home Privacy Policy Contact About Become an Affiliate
Discover Insider Secrets
To Take Your
Drumming Career To
The Next Level and
Make Money!
Follow Link Below For Full Story: How To Write A Fast And Easy Drum Chart
Friday, 1 May 2009
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
Well, you have come to the right place! We have a complete didgeridoo package here including FREE ONLINE LESSONS, step-by-step instructions, tutorials, groove tracks and practice rhythms! Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
From: Preston (Didgeridoo How To Instructor)
Dear Fellow Didgeridoo-er,
What is it that you find so compelling about the didgeridoo? Do you want to play in a band on stage? Maybe just entertain friends and family. Have you heard about the sound healing potential for the instrument, and you would like to experience it for yourself?
Or maybe you just enjoy the low tones from the didgeridoo and you are looking for a new approach to the instrument.
Whatever your reasons are, Didgeridoo How To WILL provide results for you.
You've heard the explosive sound of the didgeridoo and you just cannot figure out how to go about reaching that next level with your playing? This is the reason I created Didgeridoo How To. I found an opportunity for an all-inclusive online didgeridoo set-up that is made to get you up and playing in no time.
You are about to discover the secrets of the didgeridoo to play virtually any didgeridoo sound you hear. Whether you want to mimic a bird call, create your own rhythms, write your own original songs, or just become a great "Didger" and play for your own enjoyment...
If you are new to the didgeridoo and don't know where to begin, you have come to the right place. These lessons are presented in a peaceful setting, and are learned at your own pace.
Now, you may be wondering... how to play didgeridoo
As far back as I can remember, I have had a passion for music. I have logged countless hours as a professional musician, touring regionally with various groups, have a look at a clip of one of our tour videos below...
I am a multi-instrumentalist as you can see, this diversity helps to open opportunities as a musician. My passion for sharing comes from the enjoyment of helping others achieve their didgeridoo goals. I used this desire along with the experience of studying with many world-class musicians to create Didgeridoo How To - a walkabout through Thailand.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
I've taught many students how to achieve their goals on didgeridoo so I understand exactly what you are going through right now. You probably have a heap of unaswered questions in mind, not to mention those questions that you do not yet know to ask!
In Didgeridoo How To, I spell the entire process out to you - answering all your questions. I teach you from the ground up. This method comes through the experience of teaching group workshops and watching the progression from the first squirts of sound to a well polished didgeridoo player.
As a professional musician and teacher I designed Didgeridoo How To to get you ~QUICK RESULTS~. Didgeridoo How To is packed full of powerful video lessons, play along rhythm tracks and group games to speed your learning. I also teach you to strengthen your ear with improvisation exercises.
Actively hearing the examples are a FAST and EFFECTIVE way to learn how to play didgeridoo. You don't want to be bogged down with boring theory or drills.
Don’t get me wrong, theory and drills are important as well, and YES… Didgeridoo How To offers thorough and comprehensive theory lessons and drills to develop your technical and practical abilities, and gets you making music from the start.
With Didgeridoo How To you'll discover circular breathing and find out how to use your ear to play nearly any didgeridoo rhythm that you hear... to put it simply, you'll blow yourself away at how quickly you'll soon be playing non-stop and not running out of breath!
Hi. Preston here.
I'm driven you see you progress because I know you have the ability in you. Allow me to be your private didgeridoo instructor; taking you to the next level of playing through your didgeridoo!
The Didgeridoo How To complete course lessons (that's 12 lessons and over 20 page manual), take a "didgeri-what?!?" beginner to "I can't stop playing for dinner" didge fantic in no time.
The entire course was crafted with care in order to insure that you relate to the material in your preferred medium. To do this I have utilized the power of video and audio along with a complete manual to offer you full coverage.
Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll find in Didgeridoo How To...
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
how to play didgeridooDiscover how to master the basic drone and quickly advance beyond the beginner stage. Using special techniques you will find the way to properly play the instrument and play with a clear and consistent tone.
how to play didgeridooBuild your rhythm vocabulary, and utilize the referenced rhythms in order to enable you to create your own beats.
how to play didgeridooDetailed instruction on mastering advanced playing skills, such as trills, triplet feel, playing free, and so much more!
how to play didgeridooYou will find out how to incorporate your didgeridoo playing into a band setting. You will be introduced to didge playing in a variety of styles including rock, world rhythms, improvised music and more.
Uncover the insider secrets such as the one thing that you must do to start that drone off clean everytime.
how to play didgeridooWith the full package, you get your very own didgeridoo from Presto Music Store to start playing today!
how to play didgeridoo And so much more...
The great thing is that we have just touched the tip of the iceberg of all that is on the inside, this tutorial video is also a virtual trip to Thailand...
In addition to the easy-to-follow video instructions that show you how to play the didgeridoo step-by-step, you will get to experience many of the sights and sounds of Thailand.
With the beautiful backdrop of the beach front of Thailand, you can quickly relax and enjoy the lessons in a pleasing environment.
how to play didgeridoo
These videos take you from being an absolute beginner right through to playing some of the most advanced didgeridoo techniques around! So, if you are just starting out or looking for the next step in your playing, Didgeridoo How To is the course for you.
There is no substitute for seeing and hearing how something is supposed to be played. The use of video and today's DVD technology make Didgeridoo How To a complete source of information.
But, you don't have to just take my word for it...
"Lots of Fun" "Great for Beginners."
-Donna B.
"This is exactly what I needed!"
"I was so tense before Didgeridoo How To, but after the session I feel great!"
Karen R. "Go Didge!"
"I loved the Didgeridoo How To! Preston was very patient and easy to follow."
Anthony H. - (have a listen to Anthony's testimonial in the player below)
If the flash player is not showing above, you can CLICK HERE for the direct link.
"truly a valuable learning tool"
"It was so great to learn the fundamentals of didgeridoo playing! 'Didgeridoo How To' taught me how to make so many different noises from the instrument and how to circular breathe. It was truly a valuable learning tool."
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
-Ryan H.
"awakened my inner aboriganee"
"After watching the DVD and learning the techniques, I feel like I have awakened my inner aboriganee. Time for a walkabout..."
-Marcus L.
"loved it so much"
"I loved listening to Preston play the didgeridoo. I took his 1st lesson & loved it so much I just had to buy a didgeridoo for my very own ."
-Liz R.
"I highly recommend Didgeridoo How To"
"I got my didgeridoo and Didgeridoo How To DVD at, this made for a great learning series. I highly recommend the DVD and didgeridoos."
-Clint W. - (have a listen to Clint's testimonial in the player below)
If the flash player is not showing above, you can CLICK HERE for the direct link.
how to play didgeridoo
Studies show that the didgeridoo contains a great amount of sound therapy and healing when used regularly. I want you to begin to experience these healing powers today SO MUCH that I am throwing in 5 Amazing Bonuses. When you act today, I'm also going to give you...
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #1: Group Didgeridoo Games Ebook! (Value $10)
Bring your next drum circle to life with these great group games! These are road-tested games that I personally have used in my workshops!
These games can be played by as few as two people, or as many as you can fit in the room.
There are a total of seven group games!
You will have great laughs and a good time playing. Your rhythms will grow stronger, and you can entertain any didgeridoo gathering.
how to play didgeridoo
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #2: Sangha Didgeridoo Sessions CD Set (Value $30)
One of the best ways to learn is through the group didgeridoo workshops. This collection of 3 CDs full of workshop audio will demystify any lingering questions that you may have about the didgeridoo. These CDs put you in the room, and you can hear for yourself as the group progresses and the questions that are answered along the way.
You will also find plenty of supplemental information that is only discussed in this workshop.
how to play didgeridoo
Amazing Bonus #3: Didgeridoo How To Official Manual (value $10)
This manual will provide as an excellent resource when you cannot bring your DVD player along. All of the lessons from the DVD are further examined and accented by the use of high quality graphics for clarity.
There are also illustrations from a renowned artist to accompany in the learning process.
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #4: Didgeridoo Jammin' Metronome (Value $10)
As even another essential tool, Didgeridoo How To Jammin' Metronome puts the metronome a click away! This digital metronome is provided to be used along with the lessons from the DVD. The Jammin' Metronome has a simple interface which helps you to easily switch between time signatures.
how to play didgeridoo
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #5: Didgeridoo How To Soundtrack CD (Value $12)
This bonus includes soundtrack will have you jammin' to didge music for years to come! The soundtrack helps you learn by hearing examples of the practice rhythms in a band setting. The large variety of additional didgeridoo tracks enhances your creativity and confidence.
Featuring over 10 different live musicians.
Musical styles range from jazz, rock, and latin to improvised music and sound healing.
Ever wish that you could figure out how to play non-stop? Like to know how to get started?
Circular breathing is not something that is going to take you endlessly drilling a strict practice. I want to tell you a bit about what helped me to fully understand this process...
It is all about magnifying the technique so that we can easily see the end result.
But you didn't think I would just give this away here? It is just another piece of the whole Didgeridoo How To pie.
Now with everything you're getting, you may be wondering...
how to play didgeridoo
Didgeridoo How To Course and Bonuses
Didgeridoo How To DVD - Over one hour of private didgeridoo instruction
Group Didgeridoo Games Ebook! Sangha Didgeridoo Sessions CD how to play didgeridoo
Didgeridoo How To Official Manual
Didgeridoo Jammin' Metronome $9.99 Didgeridoo How To Soundtrack CD $12.99 Grand Total: $117.94!!!
This comprehensive multimedia course guides you through every step of becoming the didgeridoo player you've always wanted to be... with several months worth of lessons it has a real value of $117.94!!!
By taking action today, I am prepared to offer you the (very low) one time only investment of just...
That's right -- $26.95 for EVERYTHING described above, all available instantly by download, and all created to drive you to reach your didgeridoo goals, regardless of your prior experience!
But wait there's more, when you take action today I am prepared to eliminate all risk for you with my...
how to play didgeridoo
I know that there is great potential for your didgeridoo success.
To share this confidence, if you feel that you did not receive the value of your purchase here, you can return it for a 100% refund. You can return it anytime next week, month, or up to 8 weeks from now.
Finally, because you're entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the 5 Amazing Bonuses free of charge, even if you return Didgeridoo How To. That's a win-win no matter what you decide!
how to play didgeridoo
By acting today, you'll get EVERYTHING you need to learn how to play amazing didgeridoo INSTANTLY... you'll quickly be learning rhythms and jammin' grooves that you've only just heard; and everyone will be amazed with your skills -- including yourself!
Now is the time to take the next step into the world of the DIDGE.
I want Didgeridoo How To and included bonuses for the price of$43.99 $26.95.
how to play didgeridoo
To A Lifetime of Playing Didgeridoo,
Preston Smith
P.S. - Many folks want to know, "will Didgeridoo How To and all its bonuses work on a PC or a Mac?" Great question. I have many clients who use both PCs and Macs. Didgeridoo How To and all of its Amazing Bonuses have been written for BOTH PCs and Macs. Didgeridoo How To, Jammin' Metronome, Didge Manual, Film Soundtrack and Didgeridoo Games ebook have been developed to work on both PCs and Macs. You have no reason not to order your copy of Didgeridoo How To right now!
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
From: Preston (Didgeridoo How To Instructor)
Dear Fellow Didgeridoo-er,
What is it that you find so compelling about the didgeridoo? Do you want to play in a band on stage? Maybe just entertain friends and family. Have you heard about the sound healing potential for the instrument, and you would like to experience it for yourself?
Or maybe you just enjoy the low tones from the didgeridoo and you are looking for a new approach to the instrument.
Whatever your reasons are, Didgeridoo How To WILL provide results for you.
You've heard the explosive sound of the didgeridoo and you just cannot figure out how to go about reaching that next level with your playing? This is the reason I created Didgeridoo How To. I found an opportunity for an all-inclusive online didgeridoo set-up that is made to get you up and playing in no time.
You are about to discover the secrets of the didgeridoo to play virtually any didgeridoo sound you hear. Whether you want to mimic a bird call, create your own rhythms, write your own original songs, or just become a great "Didger" and play for your own enjoyment...
If you are new to the didgeridoo and don't know where to begin, you have come to the right place. These lessons are presented in a peaceful setting, and are learned at your own pace.
Now, you may be wondering... how to play didgeridoo
As far back as I can remember, I have had a passion for music. I have logged countless hours as a professional musician, touring regionally with various groups, have a look at a clip of one of our tour videos below...
I am a multi-instrumentalist as you can see, this diversity helps to open opportunities as a musician. My passion for sharing comes from the enjoyment of helping others achieve their didgeridoo goals. I used this desire along with the experience of studying with many world-class musicians to create Didgeridoo How To - a walkabout through Thailand.
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
I've taught many students how to achieve their goals on didgeridoo so I understand exactly what you are going through right now. You probably have a heap of unaswered questions in mind, not to mention those questions that you do not yet know to ask!
In Didgeridoo How To, I spell the entire process out to you - answering all your questions. I teach you from the ground up. This method comes through the experience of teaching group workshops and watching the progression from the first squirts of sound to a well polished didgeridoo player.
As a professional musician and teacher I designed Didgeridoo How To to get you ~QUICK RESULTS~. Didgeridoo How To is packed full of powerful video lessons, play along rhythm tracks and group games to speed your learning. I also teach you to strengthen your ear with improvisation exercises.
Actively hearing the examples are a FAST and EFFECTIVE way to learn how to play didgeridoo. You don't want to be bogged down with boring theory or drills.
Don’t get me wrong, theory and drills are important as well, and YES… Didgeridoo How To offers thorough and comprehensive theory lessons and drills to develop your technical and practical abilities, and gets you making music from the start.
With Didgeridoo How To you'll discover circular breathing and find out how to use your ear to play nearly any didgeridoo rhythm that you hear... to put it simply, you'll blow yourself away at how quickly you'll soon be playing non-stop and not running out of breath!
Hi. Preston here.
I'm driven you see you progress because I know you have the ability in you. Allow me to be your private didgeridoo instructor; taking you to the next level of playing through your didgeridoo!
The Didgeridoo How To complete course lessons (that's 12 lessons and over 20 page manual), take a "didgeri-what?!?" beginner to "I can't stop playing for dinner" didge fantic in no time.
The entire course was crafted with care in order to insure that you relate to the material in your preferred medium. To do this I have utilized the power of video and audio along with a complete manual to offer you full coverage.
Here's just a tiny fraction of what you'll find in Didgeridoo How To...
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
how to play didgeridooDiscover how to master the basic drone and quickly advance beyond the beginner stage. Using special techniques you will find the way to properly play the instrument and play with a clear and consistent tone.
how to play didgeridooBuild your rhythm vocabulary, and utilize the referenced rhythms in order to enable you to create your own beats.
how to play didgeridooDetailed instruction on mastering advanced playing skills, such as trills, triplet feel, playing free, and so much more!
how to play didgeridooYou will find out how to incorporate your didgeridoo playing into a band setting. You will be introduced to didge playing in a variety of styles including rock, world rhythms, improvised music and more.
Uncover the insider secrets such as the one thing that you must do to start that drone off clean everytime.
how to play didgeridooWith the full package, you get your very own didgeridoo from Presto Music Store to start playing today!
how to play didgeridoo And so much more...
The great thing is that we have just touched the tip of the iceberg of all that is on the inside, this tutorial video is also a virtual trip to Thailand...
In addition to the easy-to-follow video instructions that show you how to play the didgeridoo step-by-step, you will get to experience many of the sights and sounds of Thailand.
With the beautiful backdrop of the beach front of Thailand, you can quickly relax and enjoy the lessons in a pleasing environment.
how to play didgeridoo
These videos take you from being an absolute beginner right through to playing some of the most advanced didgeridoo techniques around! So, if you are just starting out or looking for the next step in your playing, Didgeridoo How To is the course for you.
There is no substitute for seeing and hearing how something is supposed to be played. The use of video and today's DVD technology make Didgeridoo How To a complete source of information.
But, you don't have to just take my word for it...
"Lots of Fun" "Great for Beginners."
-Donna B.
"This is exactly what I needed!"
"I was so tense before Didgeridoo How To, but after the session I feel great!"
Karen R. "Go Didge!"
"I loved the Didgeridoo How To! Preston was very patient and easy to follow."
Anthony H. - (have a listen to Anthony's testimonial in the player below)
If the flash player is not showing above, you can CLICK HERE for the direct link.
"truly a valuable learning tool"
"It was so great to learn the fundamentals of didgeridoo playing! 'Didgeridoo How To' taught me how to make so many different noises from the instrument and how to circular breathe. It was truly a valuable learning tool."
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
-Ryan H.
"awakened my inner aboriganee"
"After watching the DVD and learning the techniques, I feel like I have awakened my inner aboriganee. Time for a walkabout..."
-Marcus L.
"loved it so much"
"I loved listening to Preston play the didgeridoo. I took his 1st lesson & loved it so much I just had to buy a didgeridoo for my very own ."
-Liz R.
"I highly recommend Didgeridoo How To"
"I got my didgeridoo and Didgeridoo How To DVD at, this made for a great learning series. I highly recommend the DVD and didgeridoos."
-Clint W. - (have a listen to Clint's testimonial in the player below)
If the flash player is not showing above, you can CLICK HERE for the direct link.
how to play didgeridoo
Studies show that the didgeridoo contains a great amount of sound therapy and healing when used regularly. I want you to begin to experience these healing powers today SO MUCH that I am throwing in 5 Amazing Bonuses. When you act today, I'm also going to give you...
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #1: Group Didgeridoo Games Ebook! (Value $10)
Bring your next drum circle to life with these great group games! These are road-tested games that I personally have used in my workshops!
These games can be played by as few as two people, or as many as you can fit in the room.
There are a total of seven group games!
You will have great laughs and a good time playing. Your rhythms will grow stronger, and you can entertain any didgeridoo gathering.
how to play didgeridoo
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #2: Sangha Didgeridoo Sessions CD Set (Value $30)
One of the best ways to learn is through the group didgeridoo workshops. This collection of 3 CDs full of workshop audio will demystify any lingering questions that you may have about the didgeridoo. These CDs put you in the room, and you can hear for yourself as the group progresses and the questions that are answered along the way.
You will also find plenty of supplemental information that is only discussed in this workshop.
how to play didgeridoo
Amazing Bonus #3: Didgeridoo How To Official Manual (value $10)
This manual will provide as an excellent resource when you cannot bring your DVD player along. All of the lessons from the DVD are further examined and accented by the use of high quality graphics for clarity.
There are also illustrations from a renowned artist to accompany in the learning process.
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #4: Didgeridoo Jammin' Metronome (Value $10)
As even another essential tool, Didgeridoo How To Jammin' Metronome puts the metronome a click away! This digital metronome is provided to be used along with the lessons from the DVD. The Jammin' Metronome has a simple interface which helps you to easily switch between time signatures.
how to play didgeridoo
how to play didgeridooAmazing Bonus #5: Didgeridoo How To Soundtrack CD (Value $12)
This bonus includes soundtrack will have you jammin' to didge music for years to come! The soundtrack helps you learn by hearing examples of the practice rhythms in a band setting. The large variety of additional didgeridoo tracks enhances your creativity and confidence.
Featuring over 10 different live musicians.
Musical styles range from jazz, rock, and latin to improvised music and sound healing.
Ever wish that you could figure out how to play non-stop? Like to know how to get started?
Circular breathing is not something that is going to take you endlessly drilling a strict practice. I want to tell you a bit about what helped me to fully understand this process...
It is all about magnifying the technique so that we can easily see the end result.
But you didn't think I would just give this away here? It is just another piece of the whole Didgeridoo How To pie.
Now with everything you're getting, you may be wondering...
how to play didgeridoo
Didgeridoo How To Course and Bonuses
Didgeridoo How To DVD - Over one hour of private didgeridoo instruction
Group Didgeridoo Games Ebook! Sangha Didgeridoo Sessions CD how to play didgeridoo
Didgeridoo How To Official Manual
Didgeridoo Jammin' Metronome $9.99 Didgeridoo How To Soundtrack CD $12.99 Grand Total: $117.94!!!
This comprehensive multimedia course guides you through every step of becoming the didgeridoo player you've always wanted to be... with several months worth of lessons it has a real value of $117.94!!!
By taking action today, I am prepared to offer you the (very low) one time only investment of just...
That's right -- $26.95 for EVERYTHING described above, all available instantly by download, and all created to drive you to reach your didgeridoo goals, regardless of your prior experience!
But wait there's more, when you take action today I am prepared to eliminate all risk for you with my...
how to play didgeridoo
I know that there is great potential for your didgeridoo success.
To share this confidence, if you feel that you did not receive the value of your purchase here, you can return it for a 100% refund. You can return it anytime next week, month, or up to 8 weeks from now.
Finally, because you're entrusting me with your time and confidence, I want you to keep the 5 Amazing Bonuses free of charge, even if you return Didgeridoo How To. That's a win-win no matter what you decide!
how to play didgeridoo
By acting today, you'll get EVERYTHING you need to learn how to play amazing didgeridoo INSTANTLY... you'll quickly be learning rhythms and jammin' grooves that you've only just heard; and everyone will be amazed with your skills -- including yourself!
Now is the time to take the next step into the world of the DIDGE.
I want Didgeridoo How To and included bonuses for the price of$43.99 $26.95.
how to play didgeridoo
To A Lifetime of Playing Didgeridoo,
Preston Smith
P.S. - Many folks want to know, "will Didgeridoo How To and all its bonuses work on a PC or a Mac?" Great question. I have many clients who use both PCs and Macs. Didgeridoo How To and all of its Amazing Bonuses have been written for BOTH PCs and Macs. Didgeridoo How To, Jammin' Metronome, Didge Manual, Film Soundtrack and Didgeridoo Games ebook have been developed to work on both PCs and Macs. You have no reason not to order your copy of Didgeridoo How To right now!
Follow Link Below For Full Story:
Learn To Play Didgeridoo - Sound Healing, Therapy
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