Sunday, 25 January 2009

You Can Master Absolute & Relative Pitch In Less Than 6 Weeks Using The Pure Pitch Method

Click here to Grab a Copy of The Pure pitch Method!

I recently read an article about a scientific study done to try and determine why some people have absolute pitch while others don't. And you know what they said at the end of the article? They theorize there might be a absolute pitch gene! I remember laughing my head off at that... What a load of BS. That's like saying there is a special singing gene, or a guitar gene that only guitar players possess. Ah, so that explains why some people are singers and some aren't... Yeah right!

When I was born I didn't know what the note C sounded like. I had no concept of music. And neither does any newborn baby. It is a learned skill, just like language. I was 16 when I learned this skill, so that is very strong proof that there is no special gene.

absolute pitch can be taught to anyone regardless of their genetics or age. I have even taught this method to musicians who are in their 50s and 60s! It is simply a skill like any other. There is no such thing as a natural, only a student.
Click here to Grab a Copy of The Pure pitch Method!

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