Monday, 20 April 2009

Music with Grandpa - How it Started!

Hi! This is Grandpa – Steve Downing of Acton, California. Music with Grandpa is a part time or full time business that anyone can operate from their home. Let me tell how it started.

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Music With Grandpa
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I created the Music with Grandpa game in 2003 to help my granddaughters, of which I had four at the time. I still have four but have since added two grandsons!

Music with Grandpa (MWG) went on for several years with the two oldest of my granddaughters and is continuing today with the youngest. It is a very, very enjoyable activity.

Recently, I was looking for a way to earn extra money. I looked at different businesses, business opportunities, network marketing companies, etc. and nothing was very appealing.

Then I remembered something I read in the entrepreneur books I browse in Barnes & Nobles in Palmdale, California, near where I live: Find something you enjoy doing and make it into a business.

I enjoy helping my granddaughters doing Music with Grandpa. BOING!! Why not make Music with Grandpa into a business? Why not?

Maybe others would like to do this, too.

So, I decided to make the Music with Grandpa game into a business and make it available to others.

Music with Grandpa (MWG) is a perfect opportunity for retired Grandmas and Grandpas, students, housewives with a busy schedule, etc. It's a very enjoyable way to earn money, helping children, and it sure beats working for minimum wage in a fast food restaurant or stocking shelves in a retail store. There's nothing difficult about this - I believe that anyone who likes children and can walk and talk can do this business.

Music Art

The Music with Grandpa business model is something new, something fresh. I don't have the space here to completely detail the business, how the the Music with Grandpa game works, equipment options, how to charge parents, income examples, scheduling and on and on - that's why I wrote the Business Manual. But I will say one thing: Music with Grandpa involves classical music and helping children and, "You're gonna love it!"

Just think what would happen around the world if hundreds, hundreds of thousands, millions of children were exposed to a higher quality of music at a young age with their Grandpa - or a reasonable facsimile thereof - like a student, a housewife, a butcher, a baker, a candlestick maker - or you! We'd be improving things to that extent. Let's do it. Lets start helping children. Let's raise the level of the game!

Low Startup Cost

Virtuoso Music, a franchise that delivers music instruction for various instruments, costs on average, $55,000 to start. This price consists of the franchise fee, materials, computer equipment, software, etc.

Music with Grandpa, although quite different and not delivering musical instruction as such, has a startup cost of only $49, delivered as the MWG Business Package, consisting of the Business Manual and consultation. The Business Manual is delivered as a download from our website in various formats, PDF, Microsoft Word and webpage (html). The download takes less than one minute. Consultation is explained in the Business Manual and consists of the Business Manual itself plus email and phone support.

Music with Grandpa!

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If you, an affiliate, reside in another country, then the price is the equivalent of $49 in the currency of your country.

Music Art

Complete Business Guide

The MWG Business Package is a complete guide for starting and running your MWG business. It is full of ideas and suggestions that will save you time and headaches - why reinvent the wheel?

Chapters include the following:

Goal of Music with Grandpa

In a Nutshell

Fast, Inexpensive Way to Start

MWG Philosophy and Expectations

Rules of the Game

Practical Exercises

Equipment and Materials

Suggestions and Options

Future Options

When is the Program Complete

How to Charge Parents

Scheduling Ideas

Income Example

Additional Business Options


Business Requirements

Strategic Plan

Delivery Programme

How Things Will Look When Going Well

Weekly Statistics

Final Products You Will Achieve

Success Stories

Music List and Links

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Music with Grandpa!
Click Here For Full Story!

To get started, click on the "Buy Now" link, below, and download the Business Manual. Enjoy!
Click Here to Download Business Manual

MWG is Perfect for Retirees!

Retirees are allowed to earn extra income and still retain their social security benefits, as detailed below. MWG is a very relaxing and enjoyable way to earn extra money to make ends meet.

Following are Social Security Administration rules regarding income:

If income is earned in the year of full retirement age, the 2008 income threshold is $36,120. If income is earned prior to the year of full retirement age, the 2008 income threshold is $13,560. After those thresholds are reached, social security benefits are reduced.

The excess earnings reduction is $1 of Social Security benefits for every $2 of earnings over the lower threshold for people who are not yet in the year they reach full retirement age.

In the year a person reaches full retirement age, the excess earnings reduction is $1 of Social Security benefits for every $3 of earnings over the higher threshold.

During the month of reaching full retirement age and thereafter, beneficiaries can earn an unlimited amount without a reduction in their Social Security benefits.

To get started, click on the "Buy Now" link, below, and download the Business Manual. Enjoy!

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Music with Grandpa!
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You Can Get Started Today!

Music with Grandpa is the perfect part-time job situation. You can earn $20 to $40 per hour, $500 to $1,000 or even $2,000 per month doing a very enjoyable and worthwhile activity. This is perfect for retired people, students, housewives, etc. This is a fun business, dealing with kids. They say the darndest things! In closing, I hope you decide to join the Music with Grandpa team. I look forward to hearing of your success.

Good Luck and All My Best,

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Music With Grandpa
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Music with Grandpa was created by and is owned by: Steven R. Downing, 2451 Soledad Canyon Road, #27, Acton, Ca 93510 ~ The “Music with Grandpa” trademark was applied for in March, 2009 with the US Patent and Trademark Office, Washington, DC and approval is pending. ~ Design By Steve Downing AKA Grandpa Downing AKA "Grandpa" ©2003-2017 Grandpa Downing, Antelope Valley Resident - Antelope Valley, California. Please visit our other websites: and Have a nice day. Thank you for your support. Chow!

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