Saturday, 21 March 2009

Discover How You can quickly Enter the Music Business, Having Record Label Executives, A&R's, and Producers Practically Begging You to Sign With Them!

Yes You Got Me Right
Use My Music Code E-book and Discover a hidden door that can quickly lead you into the music business, having record label executives, A&R's, and producers practically begging you to sign with them!

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

I'll hold your hand and reveal to you a powerful code that has virtually launched the careers of artists such as Fallout Boy, Kanye West, and Linkin Park!

From: Tony Cristo

Dear Friend,

I know the amount of built up frustration you've had over the years. You know your music is just as good as the artists you constantly hear on the radio who've "made it." You've put your blood, sweat, and tears into your craft and you know deep down you're ready to make your name in the music business. It feels like you're just one opportunity away from walking down the red carpet at the next VMA's.

But it feels like there's a missing link from getting there. It's as if there's a glass wall separating you from being inside the room where all the musicians in the industry are so cozily residing. You know you deserve to be in that room, but there's something that seems to be beyond your control that's holding you back from getting there. And that's what's so freakin' frustrating! You're on the outside trying to get in, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with every other artist in the world struggling to squeeze their way into the room!

Well what if I told you that I uncovered a "glitch" in the system? What if you didn't have to "play the game" and compete with the millions of musicians around the world trying to break into the music business? What if you could walk past the crowds of competition and quickly get in the business through a hidden backdoor? A backdoor that has catapulted the careers of some the most successful artists in the world such as Fallout Boy, Kanye West, and Linkin Park...

In this letter I'm going to let you in on this secret...

How Cassie Went From A No-Named Singer, To Having The Number 3 Single in the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 Practically Overnight.

Cassie Ventura grew up in a small town of New London, Connecticut. She had a strong passion for singing and dancing at an early age and continued pursuing her passion throughout her childhood and into high school. Like many, she had a BURNING desire to make it as an artist. She had a passion for music and wanted to share that with the world. She had dreams of performing in front of thousands of fans, recording amazing music in professional studios, and living the lifestyle of an established artist. In 2004, she ended up deferring college and moving to New York City to pursue these dreams...

After making the move to the Big Apple, she started realizing she was a definitely a small fish in a big sea... Sacrificing every dime she had to afford living in an expensive city, she was struggling to financially make ends meet... After just a short while, she started to realize there were THOUSANDS of other talented singers who moved to New York, all with the same ambitions of making it in the business. Because of this, it was hard for her to stick out from the crowd and showcase her talents...

Like many unknown artists, it's hard for ANYONE to take her serious, whether music executives or even your own friends... When you're living a life against the trends of society, NOT following the masses and, and living life to the beat of her OWN drum, most people think you're CRAZY ...

The stress of pursuing music was starting to wear on Cassie... Maybe you're going through similar frustrations?

Are You Going Through What Artists Such as Cassie Experienced?

- Feeling like you have no control with the success of your music career, as if everything is out of your hands?

- Not getting the kind of financial success you know your music can bring you?

- Desperately calling and emailing A&R's and managers but not getting any responses?

- Angry you're not getting the recognition you deserve? Frustrated that no one is listening to the music you worked so hard creating?

- Having a burning urge to perform your music in front of fans but can't seem to be getting any gigs?

- Frustrated other artists you're just as good as are having more success than you? Always saying to yourself "How the heck are they getting so much attention?!?"

- Dealing with annoying family and friends who don't take your passion for music seriously? Having to constantly answer questions like... "Are you still doing the 'music thing'?"

- Afraid that you'll never reach the kind of success you've dreamed of and looking like a failure to your friends and family for trying?

- AND... Frustrated with your "same-old same-old" lifestyle when you know you should be passionately performing your music at sold-out concerts and recording new tracks at professional studios?

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

Because let's face it....

Trying To Make It In The Music Business Can Feel Like Trying To Break Into Fort Knox!!

And Cassie knew that all too well. She experienced the frustration when no one would give her the time of day. She knew the difficulty in trying to stand out from the millions of other artists out there competing for the same spot. It feels like you're waiting in a massively long line with no end in sight.

BUT... amidst all of this turmoil, there was an unshakeable CERTAINTY inside of Cassie that knew without a doubt, if she was given the right opportunity she could make it BIG! And it's a feeling that you probably feel yourself. It's a feeling that's hard to explain to others, but something you're just certain about. If a label executive really got to hear you out, you KNOW you could deliver. The only problem is, it's freakin' tough getting their attention... It's darn near impossible for them to take any new artist seriously.

But let's look at it from the perspective of record label executives. Would you blame them?!? They get thousands upon thousands of demos per week... they have a mountain of CD's piled on their desk begging to be heard. Artists are hounding them daily... creepily following them wherever they go, pleading for a few minutes of their time. Their phone and email are practically not functioning.... overloaded with messages from unknown numbers. Record label executives are OVERWHELMED with artists trying to get into the music business.

Because at the end of the day... THIS IS A BUSINESS. And last time I checked, the main function of a business is to.... MAKE MONEY! Therefore, record labels look at every potential artist as an investment. They're investing millions of dollars and a majority of their time and energy into new artists. And in doing so, they expect a positive return on that investment... they need to be CERTAIN that people are going to buy your music. Especially in the Economic rut the country is currently experiencing, they have to have PROOF that if they release your record under their label, that there is going to be a dedicated group of fans ready and willing to buy it when it's released. So knowing this... why the heck would they invest their time and money into ANY no-named artist?

So what did Cassie do? What can ANYONE do when the stacks are against you like this?

She was clever in how she played the game. She knew if she could make herself less of a risk to the major labels, they would be more likely to sign her. She leveraged a simple principle that practically catapulted her career overnight...

The #1 Key To Getting Signed To a Major Label:

*** Build Your Own Fan Base ***

She knew that when record label executives see an artist with a strong fan base, the EASIER it's going to be to sell music to these fans and the MORE likely they'll make money! It's as simple as that... build a fan base, then leverage that to get signed. It's a simple yet powerful principle. So what did Cassie do? She took it upon herself to build her own fan base.

Now back in the olden days, artists would normally have to perform at shows, pass out CD's, put up flyers and do all the other exhausting work in order to build a base of fans inch by painstaking inch... If you worked hard at it for years, you could hopefully build up a moderately successful base of listeners. It was a looong and sloooow process that many times showed little to no progress for artists.

Then a little thing you might of heard about called the Internet came along. With tools such as MySpace and YouTube, you didn't have to gather fans one-by-one. Heck, you didn't even have to be in the same room as them. You could be sitting on the can while people are watching your performances on their computer screens. You could put up a song or a video and within hours, millions of people around the world could be boppin' their heads to your music demanding where to buy your album. You could build a fan base QUICKLY and INSTANTLY if you took the right steps.

And that's exactly what Cassie did. She didn't need the marketing budget of a full-fledged music label, she didn't need to play at venue after venue building fans one-by-one, she didn't need to be in the studios of MTV for people to see her, she didn't need any personal connections to "get her in the door".... all she needed was her laptop and an internet connection...

She put out her music on MySpace and within a span of a few months, it spread like wildfire! She went from a struggling singer no one would give 2 seconds of their time to... to gathering 100,000's of dedicated fans on MySpace instantly. And what do you think happened next? Suddenly all those record executives who wouldn't give her the time of day were pleading with her to sign with them. She ended up signing a deal with Tommy Mottola and P. Diddy of Bad Boy Records. And her hit single "Me & U" went on to reach number three on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100. Suddenly, this "no-named" singer, was blasting in every radio station across the country... By rapidly building a fan base through the internet, she leveraged that success to get signed to a major label and the rest, as they say, is history...

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

Just Imagine To Feel What She Felt...

- Being able to support you and your family financially with the incredible amount of financial success you've received from doing what you love!

- Traveling around the world and performing in front of sold-out concerts to loyal fans practically losing their voices because they sang every word to your songs.

- Seeing the look of pride on your parent's face's once they've realized you've finally made it...

- Finally proving to everyone whose ever doubted your music, were unsupportive and never took your passion seriously.

- Reaching critical fame.... Being recognized on the street, signing autographs to grateful fans, having access to exclusive events...

- Constantly hearing your song on the radio. Seeing your MySpace and YouTube play count off the wall with listeners. Reading the endless amount of comments your fans leave on your wall.

- Knowing there are people out there who LIVE for you music... Emotionally connecting with fans on a DEEP level through your work. Being the soundtrack to people's lives...

- Being in a position to collaborate with artists you've always dreamed of working with!

- Reaching the pinnacle of your profession... Being interviewed about your work, looked up to by other artists, and admired by your peers...

Cassie made it, and made it big... But the real question is this... What the heck separated Cassie from every other artist who used MySpace and YouTube? In fact...

What did Cassie Have That Everyone Else Didn't?!?

What Separates Any Successful Artist Whose "Made It" From Those That Haven't?

What was it about Cassie, or any other person in the industry that's "made it", different from the rest of the talented artists that fall just a few steps short? What was it about Cassie that allowed her MySpace and YouTube pages to spread so fanatically? How the heck did she build 100,000's of fans so quickly while others struggle to get even a few dozen?

My initial reaction was... "Well, of course she attracted so many fans... She's freakin' hot!!! If anyone had her looks, they could build a fan base quickly and easily..." We all know the motto "sex sells." And it's true, just turn on your television to MTV or VH1 and you'll soon realize how accurate that statement is... But then I thought to myself... "Well what about the thousands of other 'beautiful' musicians out there that don't make it." Because I constantly see artists, both male and female, who are gorgeous but STRUGGLE to get their music heard. I've also seen countless examples of musicians who've had huge success in the music business who aren't the best looking. I don't know about you, but Ludacris or Pink wouldn't exactly get 1st prize at a beauty contest and they're international superstars who've sold millions of records worldwide.

Then I thought to myself... "Well... if it isn't Cassie's looks, it must be her music." Again, her hit single "Me & U" rapidly spread throughout the country in a matter of a few short months. I mean the music must be good if people were so fanatical about the song? But then I realized the countless examples of downright AWFUL music played on the radio all the time! I've probably lost a good number of brain cells after hitting myself over the head wondering "How the heck is this music even on the radio?!?" This is my personal opinion, but I think my grandmother could rap better than Soulja Boy... And I'm sure you can think of a few examples of BAD music yourself from artists who've "made it."

And again, we already came to the conclusion that you don't need money or personal connections to get your music out quickly to millions of people.... all you need is the internet. So if you don't need money, personal connections, looks, or the best quality of music in the world, what the heck separates musicians like Cassie who make it, and those that don't?!? Because I've seen countless instances of musicians who were good looking and had great music but fell short on building up a fan base. It's as if they had all the pieces of the puzzle but were missing that one ESSENTIAL piece... What is it about these select group of people that seem to have that "special something" that every other artist in the world seems to be lacking? What the heck was this "special something" and could it be developed into anyone else?

How I Stumbled Upon the Formula That Catapulted The Careers of Hundreds of Successful Artists in The Music Industry

This was a question that ate at me like you wouldn't believe. I mean, it just felt like some artists had an unfair advantage over the rest of us. So I went on a mission to do whatever it took to uncover what this special formula was that allowed certain musicians to attract so many fans so quickly and easily... I was determined to uncover what the missing piece of the puzzle was.

I practically LIVED in the library for weeks consuming every book imaginable that dealt with the subject - from resources on music history, to pop-cutlure, to human psychology - you name it, I read it. I practically hunted down and interviewed many of the leading professionals in the music industry. I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on books, tapes, dvd's and anything else that could help answer my question. I picked the brains of musicians who've sold millions of albums to those who didn't sell squat, and all the others in between. I interviewed psychologists and behavioral therapists to understand how dynamics of attraction work between any two people. I wasn't going to stop until I unlocked the code that so many established artists seemed to know.

I slowly started to bring everything together, piece by piece, and amidst the extensive research I conducted... I stumbled upon a HUGE discovery. I noticed...

There are predictable patterns of behavior that ALWAYS occur when musicians attract their fans.

Of the cases I studied, the same trends kept occurring over and over again. Patterns kept re-emerging and popping back up again. Initially I thought it was money, personal connection, looks, and the music itself that draws fans to artists, but when I learned the real reason fans are attracted to artists, my jaw dropped with astonishment...

I learned that although all these things may play a part in the success of a musician, there are much much DEEPER factors that are going on behind the scenes in the minds of fans. These factors are the VERY subtle, yet essential differences between artists that attract thousands of fans, to those who struggle to just get a few listeners...

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

I realized people aren't just attracted to an artist's music... they fall in love with the artist themselves - and that's how a huge following of fans are built. Think about your absolute FAVORITE artists in the world... you're fascinated and enraptured with not just their music, but with their lifestyles as well... You check check their MySpace page to see if anything has been updated, you read their interviews to get a glimpse of what it's like to chat with them in person, you watch any videos you have of them to see what kind of person they're like, you read their blogs to see what's new in their lives... You are not just a listener, but a FAN, and that is a very BIG distinction...

Because a FAN, opposed to a listener, is going to buy an artists music and constantly listen to it... a FAN is going to always wonder when new music is coming out... a FAN is going to tell everyone they know about the music of the artist.... Successful artists build a FAN base, not a listener base.

The real question is this... How does this occur? Why do we have this raw curiosity in the back of our heads about certain artists? Well I discovered that there are a series of events that ALWAYS OCCUR that leads a listener to become a hooked fan. Through my research, I learned there are raw, psychological triggers that are being flipped when a listener starts to become hooked onto an artist. I found out what these psychological switches are and how the most successful artists in the world have launched their careers by quickly and easily flipping them on. I cracked the very code of how ANY musician could turn a listener, into a dedicated FAN.

This is When Things Got Freaky...

Once I uncovered this code, I went back to my research and the strangest thing occurred, it literally gave me goose-bumps... I started to realize that some of the most successful artists in the music business have all used principles in the code I uncovered to catapult their careers....

As an in-house producer for Roc-A-Fella Records and not taken seriously for his own rap-songs by his peers, Kanye West used principles in the code in 2003 to quickly build a following of his own fans which led to his label to releasing his first album The College Dropout, which went on to sell over 3 million copies.

As a "no-named" band from a small suburban town of Illinois, Fallout Boy used principles in the code in 2002 to quickly build a fan base which led to them signing a deal in mid-2003 with Island Records and releasing their double platinum album, From Under the Cork Tree.

Linkin Park, a struggling band from Agoura Hills, California, who failed countless times to get a record deal and whose original lead singer left the band in frustration because of this, used principles in the code in 1999 to build an underground following which led them to finally sign a deal with Warner Bros. Records and later released their diamond record Hybrid Theory.

OK Go, a rock band originally from Chicago were struggling to get their name heard on a mass level. They used principles in the code mixed with the power of YouTube to create a viral music video for their song "Here It Goes Again" which helped to launch the album to #69 on the Billboard 200 album chart.

It was almost SCARY how many established artists used the same set of principles to build up their fan base... To see a struggling artist go from living in their parents basement to being practically launched into superstardom overnight by using a few simple, yet POWERFUL techniques.

And that's when I realized what Cassie did. Her story was a case of a girl who happened to flip these psychological switches of her listeners instantly, which led her to rapidly build a huge fan base and get signed practically overnight. The crazy part was... she didn't even know she was doing it!

In fact, I started to realize that most established artists are COMPLETELY oblivious to the key steps that led them to attract their fans so quickly. They were doing all the right steps in all the right order, but it was all by pure chance... completely under their radar. Lucky them, huh? Well the crazy part was... this code is a set of techniques that can be learned, by ANYONE with decent enough music, to build a fan base and leverage that to get signed.

Unconventional Tricks & Techniques

Man let me tell you... When I first made this discovery, I was sooo skeptical of what I was beginning to uncover. All these psychological techniques these successful musicians were doing seemed sooo counter-intuitive. The code was so unconventional, and NOTHING I see most artists naturally doing. In fact, most of this stuff is something that wouldn't even cross the minds of 99.9% of the musicians out there.

But the evidence didn't lie. No matter how counter-intuitive the code was, it worked over and over again by countless established artists in the music industry. It was astonishing how potent the code could be if used right.

When you really dig deep underneath the surface and start to understand the deep attraction switches that transforms a passive listener into a HOOKED FAN, it's shocking.... to learn that all these successful artists, coming from all sorts of different backgrounds, who make all different types of music, and who are targeting completely different audiences, all used the same blueprint to build their fan base, get signed, and launch their careers. Their listeners may have different musical taste, but they all had the same set of human behavioral patterns they responded to.

And it kills me to see artists who aren't taking advantage of these tactics. I see artists with awesome music, but are missing that essential piece of the puzzle, and they don't see any results because of this. Maybe you're experiencing this disadvantage first hand...

Think You're Making All The Right Moves But Just Aren't Seeing Any Results?

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

I see artists all the time who....

- Work day and night to create AMAZING music
- Set up a website/ myspace/ youtube page to create an online presence
- Tell everyone and their mother about their music to spread the word
- Perform at as many available shows as they're offered
- Set up a photo shoot to have professional looking pictures
- Practically do EVERYTHING under the sun to get their name out...


Everything is in place for artists to sky rocket to musical glory, but it doesn't work out... They're doing everything you should be doing on paper, yet fall short of any REAL success. What's going on beneath the surface???

Well just like how Cassie skyrocketed because she quickly flipped her fan's psychological switches to have them HOOKED to her, the majority of artists don't do the same. See the thing is, these techniques are VERY subtle, yet at the same time extremely POTENT. And that's why you can have a zillion other artists who are just as beautiful and sing just as well as Cassie, but see her zoom past all of them because she took advantage of these key principles.

Again, the scary part is...

These tactics can be used by ANY artist with a basic set of musical talent.

By now you're probably wondering who the heck I am...

My name is Tony Cristo. I want to say right off the bat, that I AM NOT a professional musician or artist of some kind... I can't sing and I can't play any instruments if my life depended on it... although I do play some pretty mean "chop sticks" on the piano. The truth is, I never was blessed with any musical talents at all, as much as I would have loved to.

I don't work for any huge music label or am some kind of industry expert, nor am I trying to be! In fact...

I've Received Emails From People in The Music Business Practically Begging Me Not to Release This Information...

because I've seen a lot of musicians who learn these tactics, build a massive fan base, and decide NOT to sign with a major label and go the indie route instead...

But back to me... I'm just a regular guy who is EXTREMELY curious about anything and everything about the world, especially music! And when I get curious about a certain topic, I become OBSESSED with uncovering everything about it. I guess this was the case when I wanted to figure out what the heck separated the "have's" and the "have-nots" of the music business...

This was a topic that I couldn't find ANY information on... There were ZERO sources I could find that explicitly talked about the real reasons why certain musicians attract huge masses of fans and get signed, and other do not even though they have awesome music...

And it was SHOCKING that of the millions of musicians out in the world, who give their hearts and souls into their music, who do anything they can to get their passion out, who would give their left arms to sign a record deal.... that NO ONE was discussing this subject. You'd think because it's so mainstream, there would be millions of resources online that talked about this topic... but it was shocking that something so VITAL in making or breaking an artist's career was so underground...

How You Can Build a Huge Fan Base To Get Signed ....

So I decided to release this information as a way of giving back to the music community. I can't play or make any music myself, but I figured this could be my own way of contributing to music. This is my way of helping to LEVEL the playing field between all musical artists... It kills me to see artists who've tirelessly worked on their craft their whole lives, not to see any success because of a few key mistakes... This is my way of launching artists who SHOULD be the ones on the radio, who SHOULD be the ones performing at sold out concerts, who SHOULD be seeing the recognition they deserve, and who SHOULD be the ones experiencing musical success, opposed to certain established artists who have... let's just say... not the greatest music in the world.

I've decided to release the findings of my research into an easy to follow eBook. There are 2 main aspects of this book that can help you to get signed... The first are the psychological switches I talked about earlier... The extremely SUBTLE, yet POTENT psychological steps a listener has to go through in order to become a hooked fan.

The second aspect of the eBook is this... Once you can understand these foundational principles of how to gather fans, you need to actually gather them! And again this is where the power of the internet comes in... I'll show you exactly what technological tools to use and how to use them to in order to blast your music to as many possible people throughout the world. Once you have a built up fan base, I'll show you exactly how to leverage this success to sign a major record deal...

The contents of this book aren't a no-named guy's random thoughts of how he THINKS artists can build a fan base. The information in this book are cold-hard facts of how already established artists in the music business have used certain principles to gather a massive fan base to get signed... I'm not giving my own opinion on this subject, I'm simply revealing existing techniques that have a proven track record of success.

I named it The Music Code, because it's literally the exact code so many successful musicians have used to launch their careers. I laid out the exact formula you need to get signed...

This Stuff Works!... Maybe Too Well?

Frankly, I get a little freaked out about just how well the code works, shocked that very few artists are taking advantage of this... and a bit worried that it may be used by artists whose music is downright AWFUL. I'm assuming you're putting out top notch music, but the last thing I want is to launch the careers of artists whose going to put out BAD music onto the world.

Like a knife, these techniques and principles can be used for great good or grave harm.

The Music Code guide for you....
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!


- Don't put their heart and soul into their craft.
- Don't have integrity with their music.
- Don't have a burning urge to share their talents with the world
- Are looking to make a "quick buck" with their music
- Don't have a passion for their work.


Immediate Results with The Music Code

Again, The Music Code is comprised of 2 main aspects. The first are the psychological switches you need to flip in order to turn a listener into a fan. The second aspect of The Music Code is once you understand the foundational principles of gathering fans, you need to have a grasp on how to actually get them! I'll teach you the technological tools you need to use in order to blast your music to as many possible people around the world...

The First Aspect of The Music Code: Psychological Switches

* REVEALED: The famous Music Code. This blueprint is the FASTEST and SHORTEST path to rapidly build a following of fans to sign a major record deal. I'll share with you the proven structure of how any musician can turn a passive listener into a HOOKED fan!
* The Foundation Principle - Find out the single most important piece of The Music Code. It's the foundation all artists NEED to build their music careers around! If you don't understand this one principle, it's virtually IMPOSSIBLE to jump start your career...
* Learn the ONE mistake that will KILL any chance you have with getting signed. It hurts me to see so many artists that could potentially skyrocket their careers practically repelling music executives away from them because of this one little error. The funny part is, it's so easy to avoid - I'll tell you exactly what to do to prevent this from happening.
* EXPOSED: Fan Attraction Switches. This discovery is literally the exact blueprint of what draws people to certain artists, turning them into dedicated fans. I'll show you exactly how to instantly to flip these attraction switches on in order to build a following. These techniques so counter-intuitive, yet surprisingly potent.
* The very best way to TRIPLE the rate of gigs you're currently booking. I'll give you the exact blueprint successful artists have used to rapidly set up concerts throughout the country.
* The little-known secret to quickly and easily have fans captivated with certain aspects of your personality. This single technique will allow you to create deep rapport with your listeners, having them relate to you on DEEP level.
* The Success By Association Technique - Discover a potent strategy that will allow you to get a BURST of untapped fans by linking yourself with ________ . You could literally put this into practice tonight and see a rush of new fans in a few days.
* A sneaky trick to plant yourself in the minds of your listeners... having them CONSTANTLY wonder when you'll come up with new music, update your MySpace page, write on your blog, and do anything else under the sun. This ingenious technique is so simple to do, yet will make all the difference in creating a following.
* The one side of your personality you MUST convey to your fans to turn them into LONG-TERM listeners of your music. This principle is VERY subtle but something that is essential if you want to build a large base of fans.
* The Super Fan Technique - Discover an extremely POTENT technique that will create a deep drive from within your fans to share your music to EVERYONE they know, both in-person and on the internet... doing whatever they can to forward your career and be a part of it in the process...
* The Trust and Desire Ladder - The tiny adjustment you NEED to make when communicating with your fan base that will arouse a deepening sense of trust and desire each time you speak to them... This is a POWERFUL technique that can lead to fans practically begging you to come out with new material!

The Second Aspect: How to market music online

* Don't know a thing about online marketing? Having a myspace/ youtube page and wonder why it's not getting enough traffic? I'll reveal internet marketing secrets that will INSTANTLY get your music heard by thousands of new listeners every day!
* I'll show you how to best use ______ , the most powerful and incredible communication tool on the internet. If you leverage this tool correctly, you can instantly create deep relationships with your listeners, making them naturally tell EVERYONE they know about you and your music.
* I'll take you by the hand and teach you step-by-step, how to EASILY create a sleek, professional looking website that will represent you and music the way it deserves to be shown to the world.
* The Look Over My Shoulder Technique - How to leverage musical activities you're already doing (performing, recording, creating music, practicing) to create viral videos you're fans will become ADDICTED to and will share with others. This one technique alone practically LAUNCHED the career of Cassie!
* I'll reveal to you the most cutting edge technological tools you can use for FREE to QUICKLY and RAPIDLY blast your music throughout the internet. I'll be it's not what you think... These are so underground I almost didn't include them...
* Find out the single most important way to release your music to the public. It kills me to see so little artists taking advantage of this technique so many established artists have utilized... Don't just release your music on youtube, myspace, or on your website.... You'll gain 3x more exposure if you release it while.
* The MySpace Myth... Why MySpace is overrated and becoming outdated for your primary source of marketing. I'll reveal to you how to properly utilize MySpace but more importantly, how to use even more powerful tools to spread your music RAPIDLY throughout the internet.
* And much much more....

Unlock The Music Code Now (Instant Download)
Regular Price - $99 but now Only $39
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

If you'll let me, I'd love to share with you The Music Code to help you reach the incredible amount of success your capable of seeing.

But hey... I'm sure you have a ton of question running through your mind such as the following...

Frequently Asked Questions
What if I use The Music Code and it doesn't happen to work for me?
If you try out The Music Code and for some odd reason aren't satisfied with the contents of the book... by all means contact me for a full refund. In fact, I encourage you to do so. I wouldn't want to to keep your money if you weren't 100% satisfied with the book.

What the heck is The Music Code and how is it going to help me get signed to a major label?!?
The Music Code is an exact blueprint of how to build a massive following of fans and leverage this success to get signed to a major record label.

The book is comprised of actual case studies of successful artists (i.e. Kanye West, Fallout Boy, Linkin Park) in the music industry, and the exact steps they took to get there. The book is comprised of 2 main aspects:

1. How to flip the "psychological switch" of a listener to turn them into hooked fan
2. How to use these principles alongside internet technology to get as many fans as possible.

Applying these steps will allow you to build a massive fan base. Again, music labels look at every potential artist as an investment. There is a certain degree of risk labels take when investing in certain artists. By building a huge fan base, you are essentially lessening the risk labels have when signing you. This is a formula that is the foundation of The Music Code which as been used by artists such as Cassie, Linkin Park, and Fallout Boy.

Why the Heck Should I Listen to You?
The Music Code isn't a compilation of the random opinions and theories of what I "think" artists should do to jump start their career. The book is comprised of cold-hard facts of what already successful artists have done to attract their fan base. Again, these principles are VERY subtle, and what few artists are aware of... but made the difference in the success these artists attained. The book is simply a collection of these principles and how ANY artist can apply them to get signed.

Does The Music Code work for all genres and types of musical artists?
Yes! The principles in the book apply to ALL types of musical genres for both single artists or bands.

Will I be able to view the eBook on both a mac and pc?
Absolutely! Since The Music Code is in PDF format, you can view the book on both mac and windows computers.

Will it be safe to use my credit card?
I will process your credit card through PayPal ( Paypal is the global leader and most trusted company for credit card transaction online. Your credit card will be processed directly to their site, therefore I will not have access to your private information

How long do I have to wait to get my copy after I order?
Once your credit card is processed you will be sent a link to your email address, which will take you to our customers page where you will be able to instantly download The Ex Back Formula.

Picture Signing A Major Record Contract, You'll Finally ...

* Perform at sold out shows to fans who've waited months to finally see you.
* Solidify the feeling of knowing you were put here on this Earth to do music.
* Finally feel a sense of redemption as you prove everyone whose been negative, unsupportive, and doubtful of your music career
* Be able to do what you LOVE and get paid for it.
* Be able to afford the things in life you've always dreamed of.
* Live the exciting and action-packed life of a recording artist.

100% Risk- Free

"Order and download The Music Code. If you don't get your ex back within the next 56 days, I'll be happy to refund your money in full with no questions asked (in fact, I'd be embarrassed to keep it). Just let me know and I'll refund your full purchase price immediately.

But... the book is yours to keep no matter what, as a "thank you" gift from me!

Okay? So you really can't lose! The book's yours no matter what.

My Final Words
The biggest shame I see is an artist who works tirelessly on their music, do everything under the sun to market it, have everything in place to become superstars and are literally ONE STEP AWAY from living their dream... but don't see ANY success because they failed to do a few key steps along the way.

It really is a shame... That a few little steps could have made all the difference. And these SUBTLE steps are really what separates the "have's" and the "have-not's" of the music world... I don't want this to happen to you...

You only live once in this world and I KNOW you understand this all too well. You wouldn't be reading this now if you didn't understand how important that statement is. You have a deep understanding of that because you a TRUE artist... someone who's not afraid to DREAM and is part of the few in this world who are BRAVE enough to chase those dreams...

That unshakeable feeling inside of you that is CERTAIN you can make it if you were just given the right opportunity... well this is just that. It's your opportunity that came along and it's up to you to run with it...

And if you'll let me, I'd love to make those dream of musical success become a reality...

So what I want you to do is click the order button below. Download The Music Code and I'll take you by the hand and reveal to you exactly what to do build a massive following of fans and get signed to a major label...

Unlock The The Music Code Now (Instant Download)
Regular Price - $99 Sale Only $39
Click Here to Read Full Story and Uncover The Inner Secrets Of How To Get Signed!!

To Your Success,

Tony Balbin
PS You're only moments away from discovering the very blueprint that can finally get you signed to a major label. Remember you have a full 56 days to try it out and if you aren't 100% satisfied with the contents of the book for any reason, request a refund.

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