Monday, 2 March 2009

What people are saying about Pitch Master Pro - Success stories

success story 1

“My Singing Is No Longer A Problem, All My Notes Are Spot On Pitch!”

For years I had struggled with staying on pitch when singing, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't improve. It wasn't until a musician friend of mine told me about pitch master pro that I started seeing improvement.

After reading through the website I decided to give it a try. I found the program to be much more extensive then I imagined. It covers many areas of pitch training.

Since starting I have successfully learnt how to name intervals by ear and some chords (I'm still working on that part of the software), and most importantly I have taken huge strides in the absolute pitch section! I can name many notes by ear now. And best of all, my singing is no longer a problem, all my notes are spot on pitch!! Thanks to pitch master pro!

Rachel Deckers, Singer
Vancouver, Canada

success story
“ I Felt That I Had Finally Found
What I'd Been Searching For!”

Firstly I want to say that this is the first testimonial I've ever been willing to write for a website.

Okay, here is a little background on me.... I've been playing guitar for over 20 years. I used to envy the guys who could just pick up a guitar and start soloing over a riff. I really wanted to be able to improvise solos by ear like them, but I had no clue how to learn to do it.

When I stumbled onto I was so excited that I immediately ordered the software. I felt that I had finally found what I'd been searching for!

From day one I have improved by leaps and bounds. I can't get over how easy pitch master pro makes it to learn. It is exceptionally well designed. I can't recommend it enough for any musician wanting to get an edge in their playing.

John Hamilton, Guitarist

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

success story 2
“ Already I Have Made Such Huge Improvements!”

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

I have recently started learning piano and when I came across PitchMasterPro on the net I thought it would be the perfect way to supplement my piano training.

The first thing that struck me was how quickly I began recognizing the differences between the intervals. I really like the way the PitchMasterPro program lays out the learning section so you can hear precisely how each particular interval is supposed to sound on each note. This helped me tremendously with the quiz section, which I have been scoring 100% most of the time.

Already I have made such huge improvements, I can't wait to get to work on the other areas of the program.

This was totally worth the price for what it has done for my musicial ear.

Thanks a million!

success story
“ I Can See My Own Improvements
Accumulating Day-By-Day!”

In the past I have run into courses that claim to teach perfect pitch but after trying a few I came away very disappointed with the results, or lack thereof.

I heard about this new software called 'Pitch Master Pro' and thought, "what the heck, I'll give it a go. I can always get a refund if it doesn't do what it claims."

After using it for a couple of days I knew that this was a great investment. The idea behind the method is really quite amazing. It allows me to name notes just by hearing them. I can see my own improvements accumulating day-by-day, it is a wonderful feeling!

In my honest opinion 'Pitch Master Pro' is the best choice for any musician wanting to develop perfect pitch and relative pitch. Thank you guys!

Greg Mathers, Guitarist
Bradford, United Kingdom

success story 3

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

“ It Only Took Me A Week
To See Major Results!”

If someone told me a week ago that I could identify notes and chords by name I would have told them they were off their rocker. That's how I thought before I tried Pitch Master Pro! It has proven to me that it is possible, and even better then that, it only took me a week to see major results!

I freaked out my college roommate when I bet him $10 that I could score perfectly in the quiz section of the absolute pitch module. He was like, "DAMN!"

Because of my results with Pitch Master Pro I have a whole new outlook on what I can achieve in other areas of music. I now have much more confidence and self belief.

All the best.

Kevin W., Singer
Washington, USA

success story 4

“ It Really Starts To Become An Addiction After A While!”

As a violinist, it is imperative that you have a highly acute sense of pitch; this of course is because violin is a fretless instrument. My instructor actually informed me about Pitch master pro and I took his recommendation and decided to order it.

Since then I have been going through the exercises and lessons religiously on a daily basis. It really starts to become an addiction after a while. I'm seeing progress at every turn which is probably why I can't stop myself from spending hours at a time on the exercises! I told members of my music class at school and a few are now also using it.

I just want to say thanks for making such a helpful piece of software!!

Emily Barrow, Violinist

success story 5
“ Pitch Master Pro Has Really Helped
Me Begin To Recognize Pitches By Name!”

... Since I was young my dreams have had music in them. I always used to wake up and curse myself that I couldn't figure out the music before it slipped out of my mind. Pitch Master Pro has really helped me begin to recognize pitches by name. So hopefully the next time I have a musical dream I will be able to run to my piano when I wake up and figure out the melody.

Abbie Daniels, Pianist & Singer
Perth, Australia

success story 6

“ I Have Taken My Pitch Recognition
Skills Higher Then I Thought Possible!”

Thanks to using PitchMasterPro I have taken my pitch recognition skills higher then I thought possible! And it was so simple as well! All I did was spend 30 minutes a day going through the lessons. It was a lot easier then I thought it would be.

To any musician that wants to get better, I believe PitchMasterPro is the perfect tool.

Rich Reinhart, Saxophonist

success story 7

I Wholeheartedly Recommend Pitch Master
Pro To Every Musician That Wants To
Surpass The Competition!”

It doesn't get any better than Pitch Master Pro. I should know, I've tried all the other ear training courses selling on the internet... And Pitch Master Pro blows them all out of the water!

There are two main reasons why:

1) The methods used throughout the software are so simple and effective compared to other courses that it only took me one session to see instant results.
2) The software covers everything and more compared to other products I've tried.

I wholeheartedly recommend Pitch Master Pro to every musician that wants to surpass the competition. Thanks to the team of creators for making the best ear training software on the market!

Dr. Phillip Truman, Multi-Instrumentalist

success story 8

“ Pitch Master Pro Has Given Me The Ability
To Work Out All My Favorite Songs!”

... Pitch Master Pro has given me the ability to work out all my favorite songs very quickly. I used to struggle to identify the correct notes and chords after hearing a song. Now when I hear a riff I can actually visualize it on the guitar neck. I love this program!

Matthew H., Guitarist
Atlanta, USA

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

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