Monday, 2 March 2009

"Pitch Master Pro Is The Revolutionary Software Product Designed To Turn Even The Most Tone Deaf Musician Into A Pitch Prodigy!"

From: The PitchMaster

Dear Fellow Musician,

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows
Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch
And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

I'm going to let you in on a little secret... For hundreds of years a mysterious ability has existed among many of the top musicians and composers in the world. Unknown to most practicing musicians today, this ability has given those who possess it a huge advantage over the competition. But probably the best kept secret of all is that this ability can be learned by anyone, with just a few specially designed exercises!

If you haven't already guessed, this ability is known as pitch recognition, also called absolute pitch and relative pitch. The skill of pitch recognition has played a huge role in the success of many big names.

Take a look at just some of the well-known composers and musicians who exhibit this ability:

- Bach
- Beethoven
- Chopin
- Mozart
- Frank Sinatra
- Miles Davis
- Mariah Carey
- Stevie Wonder
- Jimi Hendrix
- Yngwie Malmsteen
- And many more...

“According to most leading performers and composers today, a great 'sense of pitch' is an essential trait and the hallmark of good musicianship.”

Below are some quotes regarding a number of well-known musicians and their pitch recognition:

Jimi Hendrix, Guitarist
"Although Hendrix never learned to read written music, early in his career as a sideman he could learn a new band's entire repertoire in an hour or two by just hearing the songs once. Again, this would be beyond someone without perfect pitch."

Yngwie Malmsteen, Guitarist
"I have perfect pitch, so I could figure things out just by listening."

Bing Crosby, Singer
"... He has perfect pitch and can sing a song he didn't know after someone hummed it to him."

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch
And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

David Helfgott, Pianist
"While recording Brilliantissimo, I asked David to name notes that I picked out at random on the Bechstein piano in the hall where we were recording, while he was off changing in a dressing room well out of sight, but not out of earshot. He correctly named every note I played. I then played a strange 8-note chord with lots of unusual intervals in it, and again he named each note in the chord without hesitation. I have to say I was impressed!"

Miles Davis, Trumpeter
"He talks about his Julliard years and says how he and his friend used to call out the pitch as soon as a sound was heard."

Brian Wilson, Beach Boys, Singer
"Both Carl and Brian Wilson had perfect pitch."

Mariah Carey, Singer
"Luckily, she discovered the art of singing and had a natural talent for it. Having perfect pitch she could sing back exactly what she heard at the age of four."

Steve Vai, Guitarist
"... I transcribed for four years and it came to the point where I didn't use a guitar anymore or any instrument. Steve admits having 'perfect relative pitch'."

Yanni, Keyboardist
"The interviewer began to randomly play pitches at the keyboard and Yanni, without hesitation, accurately identified every one of them."


Let Me Ask You A Question...

Have you ever witnessed a performing musician who seems to know, as if by instinct, exactly the right notes to play over an improvised chord progression? They make it look like the solo or melody they just played was something they had rehearsed a thousands times before. But what most of the onlookers don't realize is that this musician was using the skill of relative pitch to hear what notes needed to be played. There is even a term for this uncanny ability among musicians... playing by ear.

For most working musicians, having this ability can mean the difference between getting the gig or loosing out to someone else.

"So What Is Relative Pitch?" It is the ability to identify a note by relating it to another note. For example, you hear one note quickly followed by another note, and by hearing these two notes side-by-side you're able to determine that they 're spaced 3 semi-tones apart or an interval of a minor 3rd.

This is the power of relative pitch and why a person who possesses this ability is far ahead of the average musician!


Let Me Ask You Another Question...

Have you ever heard a song and later you couldn't get it out of your head? All day that melody kept repeating over and over again, it was almost like you were actually hearing the notes ringing in your ears! The idea of hearing notes and chords in your mind is very much at the heart of absolute pitch.

A person with this ability has the luxury of hearing a piece of music and being able to know which notes were played. Having absolute pitch, as you might imagine, can give you a huge advantage as a professional musician. Not only that, but working out melodies you hear in your head takes just seconds.

"So What Is Absolute Pitch?" It is the ability to hear a note and name it. This term is also sometimes called perfect pitch.

“On average a typical symphony orchestra is made up of 20% - 40% of musicians who have absolute pitch.”

Click Here To Discover A Breakthrough In Pitch
Recognition Training Software That Allows Anyone To Develop Absolute Pitch And Relative Pitch In Record Time!!

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